Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Not so much sweat

Toward the end of today's workout, there was a little sweat, but presses just don't bring it out like the deadlifts and squats.

This time, I did the push-ups as prescribed.  I probably didn't get the best depth, but overall not bad.

I'm a lot more cautious with the inclined BB presses, since the safeties aren't as useful.  I could dump the bar down by my legs, but otherwise I need to get it back to the hooks.  I still managed to make my last rep difficult to complete, so I'm happy with that.

I am really liking the Show and Go foam rolling and mobility warm ups.  I feel ready to move when I'm done.  I usually have a somewhat increased heart rate by the end, but no need to be sweating buckets by then.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility work
Low incline barbell press - (warm-up 3@45#, 2@65#) 1x2@75#, 1x2@80#, 2x4@80#
Wall hip flexor mobs -3x8/side
Neutral grip DB bench press - 2x8@32.5#ea, 1x8@33.75#ea
Towel eccentric pull-ups - 1x5, 2x6
Standing 1-arm cable rows - 4x10/side@35#
1-leg feet-elevated push-ups - 3x5
Supine no money w/band - 2x3@10s
Quadruped chin tucks - 2x5

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