Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New equipment!

First off, I went for a short run/walk (1-3/4 miles) and things felt fine.  The podiatrist didn't find anything really wrong, so I guess I just irritated something.  I have the green light to slowly start running again.

But the big news is I now have a power cage!!  I'm very excited.  I got it off of craigslist.  It is a Deltech DF820L with lat/row pulleys and a bench.  Also, waaaay more weights than I need.  But, it's in great shape.  Because of that, I didn't get a "steal" but I did pay a fair price, I think.  Much less than new.

Here are the pictures:

The new equipment, with the colorful new floor!

485 pounds of weights

Stuff I already had.  Dumbbells up to 25 pounds, standard 1" weights totaling something like 90 pounds
( I think I'm going to get a 1" short bar to make my own heavier dumbbells for now.)


Holly said...

Awesome set up!! I am jealous!!

Mia said...

You got that off of craigslist!!! Wow! that's really nice. You'd better use it too. I don't want to see sweaters hanging on it in the next picture. LOL!

Melissa said...

There are sleeping bags drying on it right now! But that is just because I'm taking a lifting break until after my 20k this weekend! It will get plenty of use :)