Thursday, November 18, 2010

Non-running cardio

To give my bum foot a rest, I decided not to run today, but instead get my heart rate up with other exercise.  I started out with the foam rolling and mobility work from Show and Go and then did some laundry and kettlebell work.

Nobody want to hear about my laundry, but this is what I did with my 20# kettlebell:
Swings for 60-50-40 (2-handed) and 30-20-10 (alternating, total reps, not per side)
Cleans for 6-5-4-3-2-1 each side
Turkish Getups for 3-2-1 each side

My left side is definitely weaker for the TGUs.  It's harder to keep the elbow locked on that side.  So I get up more smoothly on the right side.  In fact, I'm rather happy with my right side TGU!

I'm thinking a heavier kettlebell might be in my relatively near future.

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