Monday, April 16, 2012

Presses and Hot Yoga!

Yesterday, I went to my first hot yoga class ever. It was very difficult. Sweat was coming out everywhere. I was completely drenched by the end! I was 106F and humid. It felt like a sauna. It felt good, though. I'm trying to decide when I'll go back!

This morning's workout:
Foam rolling
OH Press - 4x45#, 2x55#, 2x5x65#
JGXT Push-up - 4x10
JGXT Neutral grip chin up - leg assist - 4x10

Fractional plates would be good for the OH Press. Although, I'm on the edge with 65#, anyway.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Catching up again!

Several workouts to report!
I've been working on kettlebell form, since my HKC instructor certification is only two weeks away!
I think I'm ready. People are surprised when I tell them I'm going to an all-day class to learn to teach three moves. Ha! I've only heard good things from those who have been through it, though.

I sent several form check videos to friends, including one RKC, and got some excellent advice. I've already made some great strides with my goblet squats and will work some more on TGUs over the next two weeks.

April 6:
Foam Rolling
DL - 3x135#, 3x165#, 5x170#, 5x175#
RDL - 4x10x135#
Hanging Knee Raise - 4x10

April 9:
Foam rolling
Goblet Squat - 4x12kg, 4x16kg, 3x16kg
2-hand KB swings - 7x20x16kg

April 10:
Foam rolling
BB Floor Press - 5x45#, 3x65#, 2x85#, 5x90#, 5x95#
Diamond Push-up (subbed for dips)- 4x10
Inverted row, palms up, knees bent - 4x10

April 12:
Squats. I was focusing on form, so I didn't have time for some of the accessory work. I do think I made some progress, though, so it was worth it.
BB Squat - 5x45#, 4x65#, 3x75#, 2x5x85#
BB Rev. Lunge - 2x10x45#
Hanging Knee Raise - 2x10

April 13:
12 to 1 ladder of 2-handed swings, goblet squats, and push-ups.
16kg for the swings, for the goblet squats: 20# for the first 2 sets, 12kg for the next 4 sets, 16kg for the last 6. Making lots of progress on the squats!

2.7 mile run in VFFs. Warm (55F) but very foggy and wet! Left calf is very tight.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yes, I'm here!

Between vacation and a week-long sickness, I got of rythym a bit. I did get back to working out last week, in not a little slowly. I feel much better now and even improved a lift today!

I've been working a lot on kettlebell stuff, checking form mostly. My HKC class is coming up soon! I've also started running in my minimalist shoes. I have Vibram Five Fingers and Merrell Pace Gloves.

Today, I did a Simple Strength I workout from Beautiful Badass.

Standing Overhead BB Press - 7x45#, 2x7x65#
Suspended Push-up - on JGXT, hands ~2ft off ground - 5x8
Neutral Grip Chin-up - feet on ground with JGXT - 5x8
1.2 mile run in VFFs

I decided that for lifts like the OH press, I can't stand a lot of warm up. It's too fatiguing. So, I only did the one warm up set to get the form down and then went straight to the working set. The last rep in each OH press set was a grinder!