Monday, October 31, 2011

Back home

This week I was on a business trip.  I took Body of Fire with me to do at the hotel gym.  I completed Phase 1/ Week 4/ Workout 1 at the packed hotel gym.  The next day, I had planned on the next BOF workout, but I got sick and had to skip.  I did that workout (1/4/2) this morning. I'm still doing the pushups with elevated hands.  I tried the first couple on the floor and couldn't see how I'd ever get through all 85 on the floor.  Maybe I'm being a weenie. The sprints went well outside, even though it was 31F.  Since I was already warmed up and it wasn't too long, only 6 minutes all together, the cold didn't bother me.

Sunday, I got out for a longish run.  I went 5.28 miles. Felt good!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Behind in posting

I might come back and post old workouts, but for now, I did Body of Fire Phase 1, Week 3, Workout 4 today.  I've done all the ones in between this one and the previous one I posted.  I promise.
I've also run a few times, including a 5k Monster Madness Run.  That was fun.  I got in at under 32 minutes with almost no practice, so I feel good about that.  I've also done a few kettlebell workouts, but not a ton.
That's all for now!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TGU semi-fail, 5k run, and BOF

First off was Sunday's workout.  I did the Turkish Getup (TGU) workout.  I started off with the normal warm up and proceeded to try TGUs (during the 5 minute limit) with the 12kg kettlebell.  No way.  So, switched to the 20# bell and it was still harder than it should have been.  Just one of those days!  I ended up with 4 on the left and 3 on the right.  After that, I went out to run.  I signed up for a fun 5k next weekend, so I wanted to make sure I could still actually run!  I could, of course.  I averaged 10:37 miles, which is respectable for me, especially considering how much I've been running... which is not much!

Today, I got the next Body of Fire workout in.  It ended in sprints, which isn't bad for the other running I'm doing.  There were lots of push ups in today's workout.. 66!  I did them slightly elevated.  My hands were roughly a foot off the ground.  I had to throw in a few pauses.  One time I collapsed on the way up and came close a couple other times.  I was definitely working at my limit!  Running the sprints outside in the fog was strange.  Felt great, though!

BOF Ph1/Wk2/Wo2
Warm up - Jump rope 3.5 min, golf ball roll 30s, cat/camel x10, wall squat x10
Split jack - 5x11
Squat thrust - 5x6
Wideout drop and push-up - 11/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
Sprint intervals - 4x30s run + 30s walk
Stretch - 20s ea - hip flexors, calf, chest, T-spine

Saturday, October 8, 2011

2nd week of BOF - sweaty mess!

The kids joined me for this workout, so I wasn't as efficient with my time as I would normally be. But, it was worth it to see the kids pull off some excellent inverted rows on the Jungle Gym XT!

My heart rat got up over 170 several times. Wow! My weight selection for the row was much better this time.

BOF Ph1/Wk2/Wo1
65min (with distractions)
Warm up - Jump rope 3 min, golf ball roll 30s, cat/camel x10, wall squat x10
Jumping jack - 5x12
Mountain climber - 5x12 (6ea leg)
One-arm row - 35# -11,10,10,10,8,7
One-arm shoulder press - 20# - 13,10,10,10,7,7
Split squat - 20#ea - 12,15,11,10,10,10
Plank - arms on swiss ball, foam roller held between legs - 6x30s
Power clean/Push press - 15#ea - 3x20
Stretches - 20s ea - hip flexors, calf, chest, T-spine

Friday, October 7, 2011

KB swings!

This KB workout went up in reps on the swings. This was definitely working my limits, especially at the end. If there were any more reps, I would have had to go to my lighter KB!

Warm up - 2 rounds of (10x wall squats, 10x halos, 10x pumps)
Workout - 12minutes (5 sets) of 30 swings using the 16kg kettlebell with 1 minute of active rest in between
Active rest betwen KB swings - 1.25 rounds of 4 exercises for 1 minute each: jumping jacks, mountain climbers, squat thrust with pushup, foam roll

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Should have run!

Today was the next Body of Fire workout, the last of week 1.  It was fun and short.  The sprints at the end ruined it, though.  They showed me how nice it is outside!   It's 51F, no wind, not too humid.  Perfect!  Now, I wish I had scheduled a run!  Ha!

I did the first 3 rounds of the push-ups on the floor before switching to pushups with my hands on an Oly bar set on my squat safeties.  I just wasn't getting the range of motion in the down position that I wanted on the floor.  On the bar, I got complete range of motion.  Next time, I think I will go a little lower, though.

BOF Ph1/Wk1/WO4
Warm up - Jump rope 3 min, golf ball roll 30s, cat/camel x10, wall squat x10
Split jack - 5x10
Squat thrust - 5x5
Wideout drop and push-up - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Sprint intervals - 3x30s run + 30s walk
Stretch - 20s ea - hip flexors, calf, chest, T-spine

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3rd fire

Here's today's workout.  Body of Fire!
I'm still trying to zero in on weights, this time for the RDLs.

BOF Ph1/Wk1/Wo3
Warm up - Jump rope 3 min, golf ball roll 30s, cat/camel x10, wall squat x10
Jumping jack - 5x10
Mountain climber - 5x10 (5ea leg)
Upright row with external rotation - 20# - 11,10,9,5,6,6
Plank triceps extension - 12,10,10,10,10,10
Romanian deadlift - 95# - 15,15,15,15,15,15 (need heavier weight)
Side plank - 6x30s/side
Combo 2 - squat thrust/power clean/push press - 2x20/10#ea (1:39 for second round)
Stretches - 20s ea - hip flexors, calf, chest, T-spine

Saturday, October 1, 2011

On fire - with company

Today was the second Body of Fire workout.  During the Wideout set, my son came downstairs and joined me for the rest of the workout, including the running and stretching!  We both enjoyed it.

BOF Ph1/Wk1/Wo2
Warm up - Jump rope 3 min, golf ball roll 30s, cat/camel x10, wall squat x10
Split jack - 5x10
Squat thrust - 5x5
Wideout drop and push-up - 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
Sprint intervals - 3x30s run + 30s walk
Stretch - 20s ea - hip flexors, calf, chest, T-spine