Sunday, February 28, 2010

Outdoor run!!

Yesterday was so beautiful and sunny, I had to go for a run.  It was only 30F, but only a breeze and the sun was out, so perfect for a run.  It was wonderful and I felt awesome during and afterward!!  The total was only 2.4 miles, but I held a decent (for me) pace that averaged 11 min/mile.  I had to run on the street, since the sidewalks are not all cleared.  But, we don't have a lot of traffic in the area.  It worked.  I went a little after 4pm, though.  I don't think I'll run outside yet in the morning, since the ice will still be frozen at that time.

Today looks like a day of skiing.  Skiing season is coming to an end, so we gotta get out and enjoy the weather and the slopes!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dreaming of running

This morning, when the alarm went off at 4:10, I decided that I could sleep longer and still get in my planned 2 miles.  So, I set another alarm for 4:45.  As I went back to sleep, I was trying to talk myself out of getting up early to work out.  My muscles were pretty sore from yesterday's lifting session.  But, as I slept, I dreamed I was getting ready to go running.  I don't think I ever made it.  I was looking for something I felt I needed.  When I woke up, I realized I needed to get up and go!  And I did!

Today's run was a treadmill run of 2 miles.  Nothing special.  The fan was off when I got there, so I moved it to point directly at me from the side and turned it on full speed.  Nice.  It was -4.5F outside when I left home.  There seems to be less ice outside, but in that cold there was no way I was going out!

I'm going to print out another SmartCoach schedule.  This time I really need to hold to it if I am going to run the 20k without increasing my distance too much.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Down to 8 reps

Last night we did manage to get some running in at the indoor training facility during DS's soccer practice.  I love running on the artificial turf.  Although, the ground underneath isn't quite as even as I'd think it would be.  More realistic, I guess!  My daughter ran a few laps with us.  We were not allowed to just walk, she kept wanting us to jog along with her.  I'm amazed at how good she can run with us.  She is 3 years old!  And on the small side for her age!

This morning, I got the 5th Fat Loss 2A workout it.  Whew!  Although the reps go down to 8 per set (yay!!) the rests also decrease to 30seconds (boo!).  I was jelly and it was hard to think straight at times!  Maybe that was just the way I was this morning, but if so the workout didn't make my head any clearer.

It took me about 38 minutes. I haven't been doing much of a warm up and I haven't been doing any metabolic work on lifting days.  I think 38 minutes is enough torture!  :)

Front squat - 1x8@30#ea, 1x(2@30#ea, 6@25#ea), 1x8@25#ea (used dumbbells because I thought someone was using the power cage...first I held the dbs on my shoulders, starting with 25# dbs, I switched to holding them at my sides)

Wide-grip cable seated row - 1x8@77#, 2x8@83#

Supine hip extension with single leg curl - 3x8 per leg

Barbell push press - 2x8@60#, 1x8@65#

Dynamic lunge - 3x8@60# (each leg)  (haha, I first typed "lunch" instead of "lunge"... did this workout make me hungry? Balance was difficult.)

Upper-body Russian twist - 1x8@15#, 2x8@20#

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Running in not so sunny California

I'm currently on a visit in northern California.  It seems like when I'm here, it usually rains, but the weatherman must like me and just made it overcast.  So, I went for a nice run with my brother and his dog in perfect 50degree weather!  We got in about 3.25 miles, the most I've run in several months.  I'm still no speed demon, but that's just fine with me!  At least I worked off those Girl Scout Carmel Delights I scarfed down this morning!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Short but a little sweet

Not my best workout ever, but I did it!  I did one of Rachel Cosgrove's metabolic workouts, one time through.  I meant to do the one from Female Body Breakthrough, but I'm not sure where I put the book.  I'll have to search.

It had been a while since I had done this one before.  I did respectably, but I forgot how to do some of the exercises and kind of bumbled through them.

I am still pretty sore from Saturday's workout.  My lower arms are sore from gripping in DLs and chins and my upper body is sore from the eccentric chins and maybe the push-ups.  Yikes.  I can't even do a partial chin-up right now because of the soreness.  I think eight 20-second eccentric chins might be a bit too much for me!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Now that's a workout!

After being under the weather for a week, I got back to the gym again today.  Yesterday, I made it to the gym's treadmill for a 2 mile run.  It went better than I had expected.

Today, I got there again for FL2B4.
It felt really good and I was thoroughly wiped at the end.  Perfect!

Warm up - snatch-grip deadlift - 6@45#, 5@65#, 5@95#, 5@115#
Snatch-grip deadlift - 3x10@135# (had to pause some half way through the second and third sets)
T-push-up - 3x10 (using dumbbells as grips, arms mostly in)
Bulgarian split squat with overhead press - 3x10ea@12#ea (wow! so hard! had to rest a bit between legs)
Eccentric chin-up - 2x3 then one set of 2 (to a count of 20)
Romanian deadlift+bent over row - 3x10@70# (last couple reps weren't the best)
Lower-body Russian twist - 3x10

Friday, February 5, 2010


Some bug hit me Wednesday evening and I've been down since then. My fever is mostly gone (it was mild anyway), but I'm still a bit weak.  So, this morning I got up and did a yoga video.  It's one that is supposed to help with knee health.  I'm not sure yet how helpful it is, but I think I'm going to do it a few more times to see.

I hope I'm strong enough tomorrow to get back to my routine.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today was Fat Loss II A4 for me.  I need the oly bar for the whole workout, so I went early.  Ends up, nobody who uses the power cage came while I was there.  I made some improvements on my squats.  That was happy!

Front squat - 2x10@55#, 1x10@60#
Wide-grip cable seated row - 1x10@62#, 1x10@66#, 1x10@71# (not as wide grip as I wanted)
Supine hip extension with leg curl (one leg at a time) - 3x10
Barbell push press - 2x10@60#, 1x10@65# (last rep only 95% up)
Dynamic lunge - 2x10@55#, 1x10@60#
Upper-body Russian twist - 2x10@15#, 1x10@20#

An average heart rate of 145bpm. Not bad!  I hit a lot of the rest times.  Not all, but more than last time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Only 2 miles?

So, the ice on the sidewalks is sticking around forever, it seems.  After doing nothing at all this weekend, I managed to drag myself to the gym and onto a treadmill.  I walked for 0.5 miles, ran 2.0 miles at 12min/mile, and walked 0.5 miles.  It seemed to take forever.  But, I did it and I'm glad.

They are calling for yet another round of snow today, although only an inch or two.  On the rolling thingy at the bottom of the screen of the local news this morning they said we hit a record 55 days straight with at least 5 inches of snow on the ground.  Usually, we get some freeze/thaw cycles that cut down the snow pack.  I'm looking forward to the thaw, even if it does mean lots of puddles and probably flooding.

Today's music selection was Podrunner's Pocket Apocalypse at 151 bpm.