Thursday, December 30, 2010

Expected more from my deadlifts...

but really, I still PRed my conventional deadlifts!  I had hoped my success with Sumos would carry over to conventional.  Maybe it will and my week off plus eating poorly has held me back today.  I did pull 185#, so not shabby at all.  By the end of that set, my grip was shot and I didn't lock out the last rep.  I was afraid my grip would let loose and I'd knock my kneecaps off!  I probably should have done another set at a lower weight, but I didn't want to trash my hands any more.  Maybe those straps are looking more interesting for final reps.  Hmmm...

Since I can't do natural glute-ham raises, I did a similar exercise that was pointed out to me.  I laid down on my stomach on the bench, hugged the bench and lifted my legs up.  During the second set, I did it very slowly.

Show and Go, Phase 3, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility
Conventional deadlifts - (warm-up 3@135#) 3@155#, 3@165, 2x3@175#, 3@180#, 3@185#
Side lying internal-external rotation - 3x8/side
DB Bulgarian split squats from deficit - 8/side@BW, 8/side@5#ea, 8/side@8#ea
Doorway slides - 2x10
Tall kneeling cable lift - 2x10@25#
Leg raise thingies - 2x6
Adductor stretch and calf stretch - 2x30s/side

Monday, December 27, 2010

I love my power rack...

Today's workout included one barbell and three cable exercises.  I'm so happy my power rack enables me to do these!

I would have had one less cable exercise, but I can't yet do neutral grip pull-ups, so I did pull-downs.  Also, I'm not sure what to do about the "thick grip" on these, so I just used the Lynx grips, which I would have done anyway.  I think I would need another set if I really wanted the grip to qualify as "thick".

Everything seemed to go well. It was fun to do the push presses with the bar again.  Having 85# over my head is exciting!  And a little scary!  I'm going to give it a little more time before passing judgment, but so far I don't like this mobility set as much as the last two.  I have 3.5 more weeks to decide.

 Show and Go, Phase 3, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility work
Push press - 3@65#, 3@75#, 3x3@80#, 3@85#
Neutral grip pull-downs with Lynx grips - 3@100#, 3@110#, 4x3@115#
1-arm cable rotational row - 3x8/side@40#
1-arm DB bench press - 8/side@30#, 8/side@32.5#, 8/side@35#
Stir the pot -2x 6/direction
Cable external rotation at 90 degrees - scapular plane - 2x10/side@5#
Elbow flexors stretch - 2x30/side
Stability ball adductor stretch on wall - 2x30s

Sunday, December 26, 2010

On to Phase 3!

Considering that next week's schedule may be a little wonky, I decided to end my week off a little early and start stage 3 today.  I had been meaning to get in some circuits this past week, but fell ill.  I was too weak to do much of anything.  But, now I'm back and rarin' to go!

I'm not sure what to think about today's OH squats.  They call for the lowering to take 30 seconds.  30 seconds??  That's a long time to lower a squat.  I did maybe 15 seconds.  I'll work on improving that.  Actually, the first set, I didn't realize the tempo called out, so I did them normally.

Show and Go, Phase 3, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility
Barbell OH squat - (warm-up 3@BW) 6@25# normal temp, 2x6@10# 30s down
Quadruped chin tucks - 3x5
Barbell forward lunge - 6/side@65#, 6/side@70#, 6/side@75#
Reach, roll, & lift - 3x6/side
1-arm, 1-leg DB RDLs - 8/side
Cable woodchops - chest height - 8/side@30#, 2x8/side@35# (got a rope burn on my palm!  oops, should have been 2 sets)
Corner pec minor stretch - 2x30s
Seated 90/90 strech - 2x30s/side (oops, did this wrong)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bench Press PR!

Finally, I've tried a 1-rep max bench press and hit 100 pounds!  Thanks to hubby for spotting me on that!  Luckily, he didn't have to touch the bar, but having him ready to helped get over the mental barrier.

This was the last day of Phase 2.  It was a great phase, but I can't wait until Monday!

Today, I didn't go up on the DBPP.  They were challenging, but the real reason is because I was too lazy to swap around the plates on my adjustable dumbbells every set!  I would have tried 27.5# or 26.25#.

For the cable rows, I actually went down in weight each set because I was unhappy with my form.  The last set had acceptable form.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Speed Bench - 4x3@60# (50% load), 1x1@100# (PR!!!)
Head supported row, pronated grip - 3x6@40#ea
DB Push Press - 2x6@25#ea
T-push-ups - 3x6 (hands on floor)
Seated cable row - neutral grip - 1x10@100#,1x10@95#, 1x10@90#
Ab wheel iso holds - 3x1@10s
Cable external rotation at 90deg - 2x10/side@5#

Today, hubby actually lifted a bit.  We went over form, especially in the deadlift.  I hope it becomes a habit!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Prep for lunch

Today is a holiday luncheon at work, so I made sure I got in a workout this morning!

I did the Friday met circuit from Show and Go, Phase 2.  Feels great!
I added in 7 rounds of jumproping 30s on, 15s rest and then about a minute more

Circuit:  3 times with 1.5 minute break inbetween
Side bridge wall slides  - 10/side
KB swings - 10@20#
Hand switches - 30secs
KB suitcase deadlifts - 10/side@45#
Face pulls - 10@40#
1-leg prone bridge - 15secs/side

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Overhead Squats...

Wow, those overhead squats were very hard!
I started out doing several warm-up bodyweight OH squats with a mop stick.  Those were easy enough, so I thought I'd try the Oly bar.  Nope.  I got the Oly bar into place, but I felt very unstable.  45# was simply too much to start out with.  So, I actually put my 1" plates onto the mop stick for my overhead squats! (I'm pretty sure my former 1" bar has been discarded.  I thought I'd never need it again!  Ooops.)  I'm sure this looked ridiculous.  It worked wonderfully, though.  I was able to put a decent weight on the bar.  Next time, I will use a sturdier stick, though.  This was a cheap plastic one and I think I might have even bent it a little!

I'm going to change the way I report the landmines.  I was reporting the Oly bar + weights all in one number.  I think that is a little misleading because I'm not lifting all of the weight in a normal manner.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Overhead squats - (warm-up 15@bodyweight w/mop stick, 5x shoulder dislocations, 5@10# on stick) 1x5@20# on stick, 2x5@25# on stick (stick weighs less than 1#)
Prone Row to External Rotation - 1x8
Feet-Elevated Scap Push-ups - 1x8
Snatch grip rack pulls - (warm-up 3@135#) 3x6@165# (tried 170#, but couldn't make it work)
Side-lying extension-rotation - 2x8/side
DB forward lunges - 3x8/side@32.5#ea
Landmines - 3x5@25# on oly bar
Static calf stretch off step - 2
Kneeling heel to bull stretch - 2

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last week of Phase 2!

Not much to say.  This one was quicker because two exercises were left out.  I still got a good workout, though!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Alternating DB press - 1x8@35#ea, 1x12@33.75#ea, 1x9@33.75#ea
Towel eccentric pull-ups - 3x6
Standing 1-arm cable rows - 3x10/side@37.5#
1-leg feet-elevated push-ups - 3x5 (arms on floor, foot up 4")
Supine no money w/band - 2x4@10s
Quadruped chin tucks - 2x

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another round of sumos

I think I'll kind of miss the sumo deadlifts next month.  These were fun.  I see regular deadlifts (I'm not going to "slightly raise" them, as is recommended because I don't have a trap bar) are back again.  That will be good.  With 3-rep sets, I should be seeing some good weight increases.

The lunges felt heavy today.  This is equal to the highest I've done before, and that only for one set.  This time, I did them with the same weight for all three sets. For the sumo deadlifts, I hit my highest 3-rep set, just 5 pounds off my max ever.  This is pretty cool.  I'm feeling the strongest and most well-rounded and mobile I've ever felt.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Sumo deadlifts - (warm-up 3@135#, 3@155#, 1@175#) 1x3@185#, 1x3@190#, 1x3@195#
Knee-break ankle mobs - 3x8
Barbell reverse lunge - front squat grip - 3x6@85#
Yoga plex - 3x4/side
1-leg DB RDL - 3x8/side@37.5#ea
Split-stance cable lift - 3x8@25#
Wall lat stretch with stabilization - 2x
1-arm doorway pec stretch -  2x

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quicker this time

I was in a bit more of a hurry this morning and ended up spending only 55 minutes on my workout.  I should be in a hurry all the time!

I'm looking forward to the 1-rep max attempt.  We'll see what I get out of that.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 3
Foam rolling and mobility work
Speed Bench - 6x3@60# (60% load)
Head supported row, pronated grip - 4x6@37.5#ea
DB Push Press - 3x6@25#ea
T-push-ups - 3x6 (hands on bar, not elevated)
Seated cable row - neutral grip - 3x10@95#
Ab wheel iso holds - 2x1@12s, 1x1@10s
Cable external rotation at 90deg - 2x5#

Friday, December 10, 2010

Interval workout

Yikes this was tough.  Today was a day to choose a non-lifting workout.
I warmed up with the foam rolling and warm-up from Show and Go Phase 2.  Then I used an interval from "31 Interval Workouts", which I recently purchased.

It was tough.  The first round, I did the push-ups on the floor and on the Oly bar at the lowest setting.  For the second round, I did them on the bar at a higher position. I was looking forward to the plank each time because those were the easiest of the bunch!

2-times through, 60s between rounds
20x BW squats
20x push-ups
15x inverted rows
60s plank
15x per side BSS
30s running in place

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bring on week 4!

Next week this day of the week has overhead squats.  I've never done them before, but I'm excited to try them. I'm sure I'll have to go very light.  I don't even know if the bar is light enough!  I guess I'll start with a broom.

Today's workout went well.  The skin on one of my hands is split between the pads of my index finger and middle finger.  This wasn't too bad, but it did make itself known. The snatch grip on the rack pulls didn't make it any happier, but I got through them.  The landmines are still interesting, but feel productive.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 3
Foam rolling and mobility work
Front box squats - (65% load) 8x2@65#
Prone Row to External Rotation - 3x
Feet-Elevated Scap Push-ups - 3x
Snatch grip rack pulls - 1x6@160#, 1x6@165#, 1x6@170#
Side-lying extension-rotation - 2x8/side
DB forward lunges - 3x8/side@30#ea
Landmines - 1x5@65#,2x5@67.5#
Static calf stretch off step - 2
Kneeling heel to bull stretch - 2

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another one down!

Not a whole lot to say today.  It was a great workout.  I'm pretty tentative about increasing the incline BPs, since I can't do them as safely without a spotter compared to regular BPs. Even though weights didn't go up much today, I did improve form.  That counts, too!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 3
Foam rolling and mobility work
Low incline barbell press - (warm-up 5@45#, 3@65#) 2x1@85#, 3x3@75#
Wall hip flexor mobs -3x8/side
Neutral grip DB bench press -3x8@35#ea
Towel eccentric pull-ups - 3x6
Standing 1-arm cable rows - 4x10/side@35#
1-leg feet-elevated push-ups - 3x5 (arms on bar, foot up 4")
Supine no money w/band - 2x4@10s
Quadruped chin tucks - 2x

Monday, December 6, 2010

200 Pound Sumo Deadlift!!!!

What a way to start the week!  A 200lb deadlift!  It went well.  In fact, I think I had a few more pounds in me.  I needed to finish the workout some time, though, so I left the rest for another day.

This was a long workout.  About 1:20.  Part of that was because it had an extra set for some of the exercises.  Of course, when deadlifting it takes me a while to set up and build up courage.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 3
Foam rolling and mobility work
Sumo deadlifts - (warm-up 3@135#, 1@175#, 1@185#) 1x1@195#, 1x1@200# (PR!!), 2x3@185#, 1x3@190#
Knee-break ankle mobs - 3x8
Barbell reverse lunge - front squat grip - 5x6@80#
Yoga plex - 4x4/side
1-leg DB RDL - 3x8/side@35#ea
Split-stance cable lift - 3x8@25#
Wall lat stretch with stabilization - 2x
1-arm doorway pec stretch -  2x

Here is what 200 pounds looks like!  (Yes, I could have used the 25# plates, but I was moving up from below 185#.)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Testing out the new equipment

The homemade ab roller appeared just in time.  Today's workout included a use for them!  It performed beautifully.  Better than I did!  :)

I tried a heavier 1 rep load on the bench presses, but I couldn't get it off the supports. So, I dropped 10# and the rep was relatively easy.

Overall, a good hard workout!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 2
Foam rolling and mobility work
Speed Bench - 5x3@55# (55% load), 1x1@85#
Head supported row, pronated grip - 4x6@35#ea
DB Push Press - 3x6@25#ea
T-push-ups - 3x6 (hands on bar, not elevated)
Seated cable row - neutral grip - 3x10@95#
Ab wheel iso holds - 1x3@10s (oops), 2x1@10s
Cable external rotation at 90deg - 2x5#

Friday, December 3, 2010

Newest piece of equipment... homemade!

So, the Show and Go program I'm doing right now calls for ab wheel rollouts and iso holds.  I didn't have an ab wheel, so I substituted Olympic barbell rollouts.  They worked fine, but my barbell isn't a professional version and rolling on it loosens the bolts that hold it together.  One time, after I was done, an end even fell off!  I'm more careful now about checking the bolts, but still, I think an actual piece of equipment would be better.  Naturally, I headed out to the interwebs to see what was available.  I found a plethora of cheapo ab wheels.  Some had an upgrade of two wheels side by side.  None of those were interesting to me.  There was one or two that looked like something I wanted, but they were expensive and I was still going off of a picture.

So, I went to Lowe's and bought some supplies to make my own ab roller!  I liked the idea of a handle that allows a shoulder width grip rather than the narrow grip of the cheapo wheels.  Also, I wanted a wider base, because really, I don't think the extra instability of a narrow wheel base is necessary or even desired.  Here is what I came up with:

 And for size reference:
The wheels were the most expensive part.  They were about $8 a piece.  But, they have ball bearings and rubber tires (instead of plastic), which was two things I really wanted.  I may upgrade it at some time by adding bicycle handle bar wrap, but for now the PVC handles seem pretty comfortable!  I don't know if the lock washers are overkill, but it seems to work fine the way it is.  Once I decided on length and bought the parts, it took about 10 minutes to cut the parts and assemble.  Pretty easy!

Shopping list:
1/2" PVC pipe, cut into 3 pieces (shortest PVC pipe was 5' long) - $1.33
1/2" threaded rod, plated, 3' cut to fit the rest of the parts when put together - $3.87
1/2" hex lock nuts, qty 2 - $0.38
1/2" washers, qty 6 - $0.54
1/2" lock washers, qty 2 - $0.14
6"x1.5" center hub mower wheels with ball bearings and rubber tires, qty 2 - $15.96
Grand total:  $23.78 with tax

Not bad!  (Actually, I have 6 extra lock nuts, for $1.14, since I changed my mind on construction.  Ha!)

Quick circuit

Today was the first time I did one of the circuits from the program.  It wasn't a sweat-fest, but it was good. I subbed my 20# kettlebell for the DBs.  For the face pulls, I had to kneel down because my high pulley can't be pulled at an angle that is very horizontal.  A nice quick workout!

Foam rolling + mobility
Circuit:  3 times with 1.5 minute break inbetween
Side bridge wall slides  - 10/side
KB swings - 10
Hand switches - 30secs
KB suitcase deadlifts - 10/side
Face pulls - 1x10@20#, 2x10@40#
1-leg prone bridge - 15secs/side

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Squatting better!

There were a few interesting things today.  For the last, heaviest squat, I was very aware how much worse my form was than with the lighter weights.  I let my hips move forward.  I don't know if I didn't notice that before or if the "grooving" from the lighter box squats helped me realize that.  We will see going forward, I guess!

The rack pulls are still strange.  Eric recommends straps for these and I can tell why.  I tried something with my yoga strap, but didn't actually use it.  Bare hands was the best, Lynx grips didn't work well.  I might have to look into straps.

This time, I used a towel in the corner of my power rack for the Landmines and I also held on the end where the weights go rather than the grip bar.  These are an amazing core exercise.  Not easy!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 2
Foam rolling and mobility work
Front box squats - (60% load) 6x2@60#, 1x1@80#
Prone Row to External Rotation - 3x
Feet-Elevated Scap Push-ups - 3x
Snatch grip rack pulls - 1x6@150#, 1x6@155#, 1x6@160#
Side-lying extension-rotation - 2x8/side
DB forward lunges - 3x8/side@27.5#ea
Landmines - 3x5@65#
Static calf stretch off step - 2
Kneeling heel to bull stretch - 2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quick report

I gotta run, but here is today's workout!

Oh, I also rejoined Weight Watchers for three months.  Hopefully that will help me keep under control during the holidays!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 2
Foam rolling and mobility work
Low incline barbell press - (warm-up 5@45#) 2x2@80#, 2x4@80#
Wall hip flexor mobs -3x8/side
Neutral grip DB bench press -3x8@35#ea
Towel eccentric pull-ups - 3x6
Standing 1-arm cable rows - 4x10/side@35#
1-leg feet-elevated push-ups - 3x5 (arms on bar, foot up 4")
Supine no money w/band - 2x3@10s
Quadruped chin tucks - 2x5