Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healing knee

The knee is healing well, except that I tore the scab a bit trying to do a Turkish Get Up this morning.

This morning I did this:
2H swing - 10x20kg
jump-up chin-up + negative
10s RKC plank
chin-up (regular)
2H swing - 5x20x20kg
alternated with:
push-up - 2x10
goblet squat - 2x5x16kg
1H swing - 20x20kg alternating, 6R6L4R4Lx20kg

Yesterday I ran 3.24 miles. This time I stayed upright. I used my Merrell Pace Gloves and managed to stay upright. I ran to a 170bpm Podrunner podcast. That seems to be a comfortable cadence in these shoes.

May 14, I did this:
Bench Press - 10x45#, 5x75#, 3x85#, 3x95#
Chin up - 1, 1, 1/2 + negative, negative
Goblet Squat - 4x3x16kg

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fine, sidewalk, you can have that skin, but leave me alone!

Yes, the sidewalk got some skin from me today. Ouch.

I had a positive this morning, though. I managed a second chin up. Not back to back with the first, but two in the same hour is good for me. Focussing on them sure helps.

During my run, at about 2 miles in, I tripped over a lip in the sidewalk. I caught myself pretty well (while making a very weird muffled grunt) but still managed to rough up the heels of my palms and skinned up my right knee decently. My right thumb is a tad sore, but I think that's the only internal issue I'll have to worry about.

The mud run is next weekend, so I need to get my knee as healed as possible before then.

Even with the spill, I did a 10:35 pace, so I'm happy with that. Overall, I didn't feel winded.

I did this today:
Foam rolling
TGU LR 12kg
Chin up
TGU LR 12kg
Chin up
Run 2 miles
Fall and make a weird noise
Run 2.41 miles
Walk 0.13 miles
Hold paper towel to stop blood

During the run, I wore my Merrell Pace Gloves with thin socks. I listened to a Podrunner 10:1 podcast, which had 10 minutes each of 165 and 170 bpm with 1 minute slower between. (There is also a 175bpm interval, but I stopped before that.)

Friday, May 11, 2012

My grip!

I wasn't expecting to challenge my grip that much today, but I did! Swining the 20kg kettlebell really works it. Overall, it was a good, tough workout considering I dilly dallied too much beforehand.

Foam roll
TGU 2xRL 12kg
2H Swing   20   20   20   20   20   20   20   20
           20kg 20kg 20kg 20kg 20kg 16kg 16kg 16kg
Gob Squat  3    2    1    1    1    1    1    1
           12kg -->

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Moving on

I got to bed at a decent time and felt energetic this morning. Got a workout in and finished with a little over a mile run. It was 42deg out, which is a little on the cool side, but at 9:27 min/mile, it helped me run faster than I normally run. This was in the VFFs, too. I can tell I'm adjusting to them.

Foam Roll
TGU 12kg RL
1 chin up
2x(5xinverted row + 10xpushup) - legs straight and on bench for row
1 pull up w/ red band
1 chin up w/ red band
Arm bar 12kg 2R2L
KB snatch 18# 10R10L
1.05 miles

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A few more workouts

Now that I'm back to blogging, here are my past few workouts:

May 3
Pull-up hands flexed arm hang 10 sec
Negative pull-up - 3x1
Goblet squat - 3x3x16kg
KB snatch - 4R4L 18#
1H swing - 12R12L 18#
Farmers walk - 24kg ~100ft each hand
TGU - RL 18#
1mile run

May 4
4x(10xswing 16kg + 5x goblet squat 12kg+ 5xclean&press 12kg)
2H swing - 20,20,20
1H swings -  12kg 4x5R5L
Racked carries - 2x20-30s 24kg

May 7
BPs and swings alternated, nice combination
Bench press - 10x45#, 5x65#, 5x75#, 3x85#, 3x90#
Chin up - 1
2H swing - 4x20
Foam roll
TGU - 12kg - RL - left failed in the middle due to slippery floor

I'm really in need of a pre-planned program, so I need to work on that ASAP.  If I don't have a plan waiting for me in the morning, I waste way too much time.

A new HKC!

I've been delaying this post, because I wanted to do a full writeup of the HKC class that I attended recently. I'm not sure I'm going to get around to something that is as thorough as I'd like, so I'm just going to cover it briefly for now.

I arrived in Chicago on Friday afternoon and attended a two hour seminar with Dan John. It was a very interesting seminar, talking about many training and programming issues and including little mini-workouts as demonstrations throughout.

The next day was the HKC led by Master RKC Dan John. We started off with the "strength test", which is admittedly wimpy for the women. We only needed to do a 15 second flexed arm hang. The guys had to do 5 pull-ups/chin-ups. Then, we spent something like 2-3 hours on the swing, about an hour on the goblet squat, and maybe two hours on the Turkish Get-Up (TGU). All along, there were mini-workouts, where we would try out the prep work and correctives we were learning about and also showed examples of how to put together moves to form an effective workout. We paired up with different attendees each time, which ended up being great. There were several RKCs there to point out things and answer questions. The last couple hours were spent practicing teaching each other the moves and being tested for competence in the moves.

In the end, I passed. I was sore for three days afterward. None of the mini-workouts were that intense by themselves, but over the course of a full day, they added up.

All in all, the weekend was wonderful and I learned a ton! I enjoyed meeting Dan John and spending time with some friends!