Monday, November 29, 2010

Feeling strong

What a good workout!  Deadlifts, lunges,!

The sumos went better this time.  I wore long sweats this time, so the knurling didn't scrape my legs.  I struggled with balance a time or two on the reverse lunges.  Not a big deal, though.  Not much else to say right now!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 2
Foam rolling and mobility work
Sumo deadlifts - (warm-up 2@135#, 2@165##) 2x2@180#, 1x4@180#, 1x4@185# (PR!)
Knee-break ankle mobs - 3x8
Barbell reverse lunge - front squat grip - 3x6@80#, 1x6@85#
Yoga plex - 3x4/side
1-leg DB RDL - 3x8/side@35#ea
Split-stance cable lift - 3x8@25#
Wall lat stretch with stabilization - 2x
1-arm doorway pec stretch -  2x

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Another one

Not much to say today.  Not a whole lot of sweat.  The speed bench was interesting.  I think my form improved with each set.  It was pretty light, though.  Next week, I'll try a 1-rep max.  I may make use of the safeties again :)

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility

Speed bench (50% load) - 6x3@50#
Head-supported row - pronated grip - 2x6@33.75#ea, 1x6@35#ea
DB push press - 3x6@25#ea
T-push-ups - 3x6
Seated cable row - neutral grip - 3x10@90#
Bar rollout iso holds - 3
Cable external rotation at 90 degrees - 2x10/side@5# (hard!)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Post-holiday workout

With the day off, I knew I would need to make sure I got up to workout again.  I did!  I was a little late, though, because the kids were up first and of course came down to join me.  The only problem was that weren't as well behaved as they normally are.

I still got in a good kettlebell workout.  This workout comes from the book Kettlebells for Dummies by Sarah Lukie.  Using my 20# kettlebell.  About 38 minutes total.

I started off with foam rolling and:
10x body weight squats
10x downward dog to cobra
4x T-push-up per side
10x halo each direction
2x Turkish getups each side

Then the workout:
10x front squat
5x push-ups
10x 2-arm swing
3x burpees
5x front squat, KB racked on left
5x front squat, KB racked on right
20x swings (oops, should have been alternating swings)
5x push-ups
8x clean on left
5x jump squats
9x clean on right
5x jump squats
10x swings
3x burpees
2 sets of:
10x clean/squat/press on left
25s plank
10x clean/squat/press on right
25s plank
2 sets of:
3x T-push-up on left
3x T-push-up on right

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving lift

What a great way to start off the day!
I am definitely thankful for my health and the health of my family.  I'm also thankful for my awesome weight equipment!!

Today's plan was a bit odd.  I forgot to do the A2 exercise.  A1 (the front box squats) had timed rests, so I didn't think to alternate in the other exercises.  Oops!  Next time.

The snatch grip rack pulls were new to me, too.  I thought I could lift as much as a regular deadlift.  Nope!  Ego checked :)  For some reason, it's harder to start the bar moving at that height (at the bottom edge of my knee cap).

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 1

Foam rolling and mobility work
Front box squats - (55% load) 6x2@55#
Snatch grip rack pulls - 1x6@145#, 1x6@150#, 1x6@155#
Side-lying extension-rotation - 2x8/side
DB forward lunges - 3x8/side@25#ea
Landmines - (warm-up 5x45#) 1x5@55#, 2x5@60#
Static calf stretch off step - 2
Kneeling heel to bull stretch - 2

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Not so much sweat

Toward the end of today's workout, there was a little sweat, but presses just don't bring it out like the deadlifts and squats.

This time, I did the push-ups as prescribed.  I probably didn't get the best depth, but overall not bad.

I'm a lot more cautious with the inclined BB presses, since the safeties aren't as useful.  I could dump the bar down by my legs, but otherwise I need to get it back to the hooks.  I still managed to make my last rep difficult to complete, so I'm happy with that.

I am really liking the Show and Go foam rolling and mobility warm ups.  I feel ready to move when I'm done.  I usually have a somewhat increased heart rate by the end, but no need to be sweating buckets by then.

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility work
Low incline barbell press - (warm-up 3@45#, 2@65#) 1x2@75#, 1x2@80#, 2x4@80#
Wall hip flexor mobs -3x8/side
Neutral grip DB bench press - 2x8@32.5#ea, 1x8@33.75#ea
Towel eccentric pull-ups - 1x5, 2x6
Standing 1-arm cable rows - 4x10/side@35#
1-leg feet-elevated push-ups - 3x5
Supine no money w/band - 2x3@10s
Quadruped chin tucks - 2x5

Monday, November 22, 2010

What a start to Phase 2!

Today was the first day of Show and Go Phase 2.  I am beat!  Wow.  During the RDLs and cable lifts, my heart rate stayed around 160bpm.  Today's workout brought lots of new moves.  The sumo deadlifts were something I was curious about before, so I was excited to try them out.  It was a weird feeling and I even went back to the computer to check out Eric's video on them in the middle of my warm-up set.  The only issue I see with them is that the wide stance has my shins out on the knurling on the bar rather than the smooth part, as they are with conventional deadlifts.

For the BB reverse lunges, I had to add an extra set because I went past the 90% limit.  Well, I still have one working set slightly under that, but I'll live.  It was trial and error getting the right weight.  One time I lost my balance, but managed to catch myself.  These have a much more unstable feel as compared to DB lunges!  I feel like a tight rope walker.

The knee-break ankle mobs didn't do much for me.  After re-watching the video, I think I'll have to go deeper.  Much more than what I would consider a "knee break".

I weighed in and took measurements.  Although I feel stronger, but all the sweets I've been eating have hit me hard.  I'm up 3 lbs. and my measurements are about the same.  I will commit to reducing my sweet intake over this next phase.  It's only going to get harder this time of year!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 1
Foam rolling and mobility work
Sumo deadlifts - (warm-up 3@135#, 2@155#) 2x2@175#, 1x4@175#, 1x4@180# (PR! but also the first time I've done these ;) )
Knee-break ankle mobs - 3x8
Barbell reverse lunge - front squat grip - (warm-up 6@65#) 1x6@70#, 2x6@75#, 1x6@80#, 1x6@75#
Yoga plex - 4x4/side
1-leg DB RDL - 3x8/side@32.5#ea
Split-stance cable lift - 3x8@20# (stance was reversed from demo video)
Wall lat stretch with stabilization - 2x
1-arm doorway pec stretch -  2x

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Done with Phase 1!

A day late, but I got in the last workout from Phase 1 of Show and Go!  After being sick yesterday, sick enough to miss my race, I was surprised how well today went.  I was even not feeling 100% today.  But, I pressed a little higher than I ever have before!

On the eccentric pull-ups, I am really noticing an increase in strength in my back and shoulders.  Before, when I did pull-up (palms away) eccentrics, I could barely control the decent at all.  Now, I can really draw it out.  It feels so strong.  I'm sure I'm still far from an actual pull-up, but it feels nice to make progress on these.

My daughter (3 years) joined in ALL of the mobility moves today and did some dumbbell and cable work along with general playing during the rest.  She busied her self for a long time loading and unloading the cable station. She thought the Walking Spiderman w/Overhead Reach was funny and hard at first, but stuck with it and found her balance.  She was proud that she figured it out.

Tomorrow, I'll weigh and measure.  I don't expect much on the weight front.  I've been eating horribly since Halloween.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Close-grip bench press - (warm-up 10@45#, 3@75#) 1x3@85#, 1x3@90#, 1x2@95# (PR! failed 3rd rep)
Eccentric Pull-up - 3x3
Low incline DB press - 1x6@31.25#ea, 2x6@32.5#ea
Head supported DB row - 1x10@31.25#ea, 2x10@32.5#ea
Prone bridge arm march - 3x10
Side-lying external rotation - arm propped at 30 deg abduction - 3x10@5#
Elbow/wrist flexors stretch - 2x30s/side
3-way band hamstrings stretch - 2x15s/position/side

Friday, November 19, 2010

More DLs

Although I barely eked it out, I hit another deadlift personal record!  Woo hoo!  After last week's drop back, this felt great.  The wall slides got better, too.  The first set went very well.  The other two were not quite as nice.  One more workout in this Phase and on to the next!

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 4
Foam rolling, mobility work
Deadlifts - (warm-up 5@45#, 5@135#) 1x5@160#, 1x5@165#, 1x5@170#, 1x5@175# (didn't lock out last rep because grip was failing)
Wall ankle mobility - 3x8
Walking DB lunges - 2x6/side@25#ea, 1x6/side@27.5#ea
Quadruped chin tucks - 3x5
Side bridge wall slides - 3x10
Barbell hip thrusts - (warm-up 3@45#) 1x6@65#, 1x6@70#, 1x6@75#
Stability ball adductor stretch on wall - 2@30s
Kneeling heel-to-butt stretch - 2@30s/side

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Non-running cardio

To give my bum foot a rest, I decided not to run today, but instead get my heart rate up with other exercise.  I started out with the foam rolling and mobility work from Show and Go and then did some laundry and kettlebell work.

Nobody want to hear about my laundry, but this is what I did with my 20# kettlebell:
Swings for 60-50-40 (2-handed) and 30-20-10 (alternating, total reps, not per side)
Cleans for 6-5-4-3-2-1 each side
Turkish Getups for 3-2-1 each side

My left side is definitely weaker for the TGUs.  It's harder to keep the elbow locked on that side.  So I get up more smoothly on the right side.  In fact, I'm rather happy with my right side TGU!

I'm thinking a heavier kettlebell might be in my relatively near future.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pressing the limits

Today's lifting session felt really good.  I love challenging myself and winning!  Sometimes I have to step back, but today, I got to step forward a bit.  Last time I attempted the alternating BP presses, I couldn't do 35#.  In fact, my log from two weeks ago has the note "Yuck!" by the attempt and I tweaked something in my shoulder bailing out of the attempt.  This time, with only 3 sets, I decided to try again and I came through challenged, but no yucks!  It is so nice that I can almost micro-load my adjustable DBs in 1.25# increments. That capability really helped me out here.  Two weeks ago, I dropped back to 32.25# then last week I used 33.75# and this week 35#!  When I set up my home gym, I thought they would be temporary, now I'm preferring them over a full set of regular dumbbells.  I also used their adjust-ability today for the hammer curls.  I wanted to try to top the 20# I had been using, but 25#, my heaviest regular DB, was way too much.  22.5# worked, though!  I keep thinking back to what I read about some of the strongmen 100+ years ago who had dumbbells and barbells that you could load with sand.  Talk about micro-loading!

I even improved on my push-ups today.  I went down a notch AND felt like I completed them better.  It was an all-around strong morning.  I thought I was really strong when I did what I thought was my first set of lat pulls.  I thought I had 110# on the cable, but miscalculated and only had 95#.  I must have still been asleep :)

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 4
Foam rolling and Mobility work
Alternating DB Bench Press - 3x5@35#ea
Neutral grip lat pulldowns -  (warm-up 1x5@95# - loading mistake!) 3x5@110#
Push-ups - 3x10 (hands elevated 9.5")
Seated cable rows - pronated grip - 3x10@90#
Dumbbell hammer curls - 2x8@20#ea, 1x8@22.5#ea
Bent over trap raise - 3x10@8#ea
Oly bar rollout - 3x8
Walking Spiderman w/ overhead reach - 3x5

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Overdressed for my run

Even after dilly dallying way too long, I got out for 2.25 miles this morning.  Better than nothing!  I was overdressed, though.  It was 39F out.  I think if it had been 40F I would have dressed lighter.  I had on warm running pants, a long sleeve running shirt with hood, a Buff around my head and ears, knit gloves, and a breathable rain jacket.

My feet were fine, but I'm still worried about my right foot.  I can feel something move around in there when I slowly step forward on my toes.  Who knows, I might have to end up walking Saturday!  I guess that wouldn't be the end of the world. I'll make sure I have fun no matter what.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Last week of Phase 1

I again used the box squats to help with my front squat form.  I think it helped a lot.  I managed to set a new PR for front squats.  Felt good!  I really like the speed deadlifts.  I think in the book it was mentioned that these are to "groove" the movement and I can see that.

Looking ahead to Phase 2, I see lots of new-to-me exercises.  I'll be breaking out the videos again!  I'm glad Eric made all the videos part of this package.  I'd be lost without them.  The new moves keep things interesting, though!

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 4
Foam rolling and mobility work
Front squats - (warm-up - 10 BW box squats, 5@45#, 3@80#) 2x3@85#, 1x3@90# (PR!) BW box squats before each set
Scapular wall slides -3x8
Speed deadlifts (65% load) - 4x2@125#
DB reverse lunges from deficit - 3x8/side@20#ea
Pallof press iso holds - 3x3/side@15# (10 secs per rep)
Split-stance kneeling adductor stretch - forward position - 2x30s/side
1-arm doorway pec stretch - 2x30s/side

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hmm.... my traps!

Trapezius, that is.  The eccentric pull-ups really must have hit them yesterday, because they were sore by the end of the day.  Otherwise, a good workout.  I actually used the safeties for the bench press.  I'm glad they were there, but it wouldn't have been disastrous without them.  Today had 6 sets of the major exercises.  That's the most so far.  One more week and I'm on to Phase 2!  I'm glad my run is before the next Phase, though, because I have this feeling I'm going to be sore for a week.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 3
Foam rolling and mobility work
Close-grip bench press - (warm-up 10@45#, 3@70#) 3x3@85#, 1x2@90#, 2x3@85# (4th set used safeties!)
Eccentric Pull-up - 6x3
Low incline DB press - 1x6@30#ea, 2x6@31.25#ea
Head supported DB row - 1x10@30#ea, 2x10@31.25#ea
Prone bridge arm march - 3x10
Side-lying external rotation - arm propped at 30 deg abduction - 3x10@5# (burn in some little shoulder muscle)
Elbow/wrist flexors stretch - 2x30s/side
3-way band hamstrings stretch - 2x15s/position/side

Friday, November 12, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

Last week I was riding high on heavy deadlifts.  But, today, when I approached the bar, I could tell it wasn't going to go as well.  Also, I was going to have to do 5 sets instead of 4, so going up more was really going to be a challenge, even if I felt fine, which I didn't.  I wonder if the hilly run from yesterday effected today's deadlifts.  At least I was still above bodyweight!  But, even though the deadlifts weren't up to snuff, other exercises did get better.  I was able to hold side planks, unlike the last two weeks, and I was able to increase some weights elsewhere.  Interestingly, it is hardest for me to hold the side bridge on my right side.  I would have thought it would be the other way around.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 3
~ 1:25 (what??)
Foam rolling, mobility work
Deadlifts - (warm-up 5@45#, 5@135#) 4x5@160#, 1x5@165#
Wall ankle mobility - 4x8
Walking DB lunges - 4x6/side@25#ea
Quadruped chin tucks - 3x5
Side bridge wall slides - 3x10 (no support from 2nd arm!)
1-leg DB RDL - 3x8/side@32.5#ea
Stability ball adductor stretch on wall - 2@30s
Kneeling heel-to-butt stretch - 2@30s/side

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hurting toes... bad shoes??!?!

This is the second time it has happened.  About 3.75 miles into my cross-country course run, the right three toes on my right foot went numb and then started hurting.  It happened at about the same distance and course location as before, so I don't know if it is the course or the distance, but it seems related to the shoes.  Hmmm.  This is not good.  The run is only a week away and I need to figure out what shoes to wear!  I could go back to my regular trainers.  They probably wouldn't be the best idea for the water and hills, but with them, I've never had this issue.

I got out to the cross country course and did 4.2 miles.  I chose a route that kept going over the steepest hills.  At first I had to stop to catch my breath every now and then, but I didn't stop at all for the last lap.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I think the shoulder is healed

A week later, on the same workout that I tweaked my left shoulder (rotator cuff?), the tweak is gone, as far as I can tell.  I was worried it wouldn't go away!

Today's workout was good.  My daughter woke up early and joined me for some of the exercises.  So cute.

I've decided the ab rollout is more of a back exercise than an ab exercise!  Not that it doesn't work the abs, but I find the back more challenged to hold still.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 3
Foam rolling
Mobility work
Alternating DB Bench Press - 5x5@33.75#ea
Neutral grip lat pulldowns -5x5@105#
Push-ups - 3x10 (hands elevated 12.5")
Seated cable rows - pronated grip - 3x10@85#
Dumbbell hammer curls - 3x8@20#ea
Bent over trap raise - 1x10@5#ea, 2x10@8#ea
Oly bar rollout - 3x8
Walking Spiderman w/ overhead reach - 3x5

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More XC hills

I got in an almost 3 miles at the cross country fields again today.  I chose to run only the portion of the course with the biggest hills for practice.  Tough!

Some actual cross country teams were there practicing.  I ran to the side so as not to get in their way.

No problems with the feet this time.  But, I didn't go as far, either.  A beautiful 70F!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Box squats galore!

After NOT getting my run in this weekend, I did get up this morning for lifting. I got a late start, but still finished.

I had some discussion recently about how to improve my squats.  So, I did several body weight box squats as a warm-up as well as before each set.  I think it helped a lot.

My left shoulder was still a little weird.  By the end of the day, that weirdness seems mostly gone, though.  Maybe I'm sleeping on it oddly and aggravating what I did to it last week?

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 3
Foam rolling
Mobility work
Front squats - (warm-up - BW box squats, 5@45#, 3@75#) 4x3@80#, 1x3@85# (PR!) BW box squats before each set
Scapular wall slides -5x8
Speed deadlifts (60% load) - 6x2@120#
DB reverse lunges from deficit - 3x8/side@15#ea
Pallof press iso holds - 3x3/side@15#
Split-stance kneeling adductor stretch - forward position - 2x30s/side
1-arm doorway pec stretch - 2x30s/side

Friday, November 5, 2010

4 more cross country miles!

The two laps of the cross country course went well today.  Still slower than I'd like and there are a couple hills that just kill me.  Also, for the last half mile or so, my 3 rightmost toes started hurting.  I'm not sure if that is a shoe issue or what.  I will definitely need to run in these new shoes more, though.  7 miles of that would not be fun.

My heart rate averaged 172bpm, peaking at 184bpm.  I guess I was right in my max endurance zone!

More presses!

Since I am not going to be able to do Saturday's workout on Saturday, I did it today.  That may not be optimal, but such is life :)
Lots of presses again today.  The eccentric pullups went better today.  The last one was not very controlled, but overall they were better!  The last chest-supported DB row set turned into a head-supported DB row because the DBs kept hitting the bench I was using.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 2
Foam rolling
Mobility work
Close-grip bench press - (warm-up 10@45#, 3@70#) 1x3@80#, 2x3@85##, 1x3@90# (PR!)
Eccentric Pull-up - 4x3
Low incline DB press - 1x6@27.5#ea, 2x6@30#ea
Chest (head) supported DB row - 2x10@25#ea (chest), 1x10@27.5#ea (head)
Prone bridge arm march - 3x10
side-lying external rotation - arm propped at 30 deg abduction - 3x10@5#
Elbow/wrist flexors stretch - 2x30s/side
3-way band hamstrings stretch - 2x15s/position/side

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Frightened by steel!

I set another deadlift PR today.  I must admit, though, approaching that much weight is pretty frightening!  I think that is why I didn't complete the last rep.  I think my mind was afraid of it.

That's ok.  I'll have other chances!

The side bridge wall slides are my nemesis.  It's hard enough to hold a side bridge for any amount of time.  Now, add on the leg action and... nope.  So, I used my other arm to support me, too.  It was still crazy hard.  There probably wasn't as much oblique action as intended, though.

Last time I tried this workout, I attempted a natural glute-ham raise exercise.  I managed to get a relatively decent approximation of the setup.  However, it is crazy hard and there is no way to make it easier withough losing form.  The 1-leg DB Romanian deadlift was listed as an alternate.  So, I chose those this time.  The first set was a lot of getting used to single leg work again. It has been a while!  Ankle stability was key.  But, I picked it up pretty quickly.

Show and Go, Phase 1, Week 2
Foam rolling
Deadlifts - (warm-up - 1x5@135#)  1x5@155#, 1x5@160#, 1x5@165, 1x4@170#
Wall ankle mobility - 3x8
Walking DB lunges - 2x6/side@20#ea, 1x6/side@25#ea
Quadruped chin tucks - 3x5
Side bridge wall slides - 3x10 with 2nd arm for support
1-leg DB RDL - 2x8/side@25#ea, 1x8/side@30#ea
Stability ball adductor stretch on wall - 2x30s
Kneeling heel-to-butt stretch - 2x30s/side

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Passed 300 posts!

I just noticed that I had 303 posts.  Wow.  I think that is great because it is a measure of how well I've been sticking with my physical fitness plans.

Today was an upper-body lifting day.  I think I should not yet go to the 35# DBs for the press.  I pulled something a bit in my left shoulder setting them down.  I couldn't complete the reps correctly and I think I let my arm holding the DB slip to the side to set it down.  My shoulder is not made to resist 35# in that direction.  Just look at the shoulder exercises that often are demanding at 5-8#.  That is one of those types of movements.  I still completed the rest of the workout, but paid close attention to how my shoulder was doing.  I think I didn't over do it.  The feeling is almost gone a few hours later.

The rest of the workout went according to plan.  I wasn't able to increase weights much at all.  I think I need to keep the push-ups where they are for a bit until I can do them without lots of pauses.  I am glad that the push-ups had full depth, though.  My arms probably weren't in enough, but I'm more worried about depth right now.

Show and Go Phase 1, Week 2
Foam rolling
Mobility work
Alternating DB bench press - 1x4@35#ea (kinda), 3x5@32.5#ea
Neutral grip pulldown - 4x5@102.5#
Push-ups - 3x10@bar on peg 4 (elevated 12.5")
Seated cable rows - pronated grip - 3x10@82.5#
Dumbbell hammer curls - 3x8@20#ea (barely completed 2nd set)
Bent over trap raise - 3x10@5#ea
Bar rollout - 3x8 (Oly bar with 5# weights as wheels)
Walking spiderman with overhead reach - 3x5/side

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cross... suburb?

So, although I had reasons (er... excuses) to not run too well Sunday, I do know that I need to step it up.  I've been watching YouTube videos from the Living History Farms Race and have started getting a bit apprehensive about it.  That's not surprising.  I get that way before every race!

So, I got out in the 29F weather this morning for a short run.  I was trying out a new long sleeve shirt and used my new shoes for the second time.  This time, I tightened the laces at the front a lot more. I think that will be key for longer runs.  My feet were moving around in the shoes way too much on Sunday.  In fact, I'm glad I was so pooped.  If I had run more Sunday, I think I would have re-injured my foot.

During the run through the neighborhood, I tried to run a lot on the grass and chose a route with the most hills I could find, including a couple loops around the park entrance where there is a short but steep grass hill.  The grass running definitely taxed my ankles.  I'll have to continue that.  The shoes are heavier and stiffer than my regular trainers.  I'll have to get used to that.  My feet did stay toasty, though, but not too hot.  They were also dry.  The outsides of the shoes were wet and frosty!

So, the not so impressive part... 2.36 miles in 25:25 with an average heart rate of 171bpm.  I ran to a 162bpm Podrunner podcast called "A Running Thread".

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that for the last half, at each intersection, I started doing 10 high knees on each side of the street.  I think I'll keep that up.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ouch, my quad!

I'm on to week 2 of the first phase of Eric Cressey's Show and Go.  Today, as with last Monday, I again started off with front squats after the foam rolling and mobility work.  When I got to the deficit DB reverse lunges, my right quad really didn't want to stretch that far.  It was really tight.  So, I dropped down in weight for the last set.  Still, my right quad was complaining.  I probably should have just removed the deficit so it wouldn't be so angry at me.  We'll see if it brings soreness later.  I don't think I feel as wiped as last week.

Phase 1, Week 2
Foam rolling
Mobility work
Front squats - (warm-up 1x5@bw, 1x5@45#, 1x3@70#) 4x3@80#
Scapular wall slides - 3x8
Speed deadlifts (55% load) - 1x2@115#, 5x2@110#
DB reverse lunges with deficit - 2x8@15#ea, 1x8@10#ea
Pallof press iso holds - 3x3@15#, 10s per side per rep
Split-stance kneeling adductor stretch - forward position - 2x30s/side
1-arm doorway pec stretch - 2x30s/side