Thursday, December 2, 2010

Squatting better!

There were a few interesting things today.  For the last, heaviest squat, I was very aware how much worse my form was than with the lighter weights.  I let my hips move forward.  I don't know if I didn't notice that before or if the "grooving" from the lighter box squats helped me realize that.  We will see going forward, I guess!

The rack pulls are still strange.  Eric recommends straps for these and I can tell why.  I tried something with my yoga strap, but didn't actually use it.  Bare hands was the best, Lynx grips didn't work well.  I might have to look into straps.

This time, I used a towel in the corner of my power rack for the Landmines and I also held on the end where the weights go rather than the grip bar.  These are an amazing core exercise.  Not easy!

Show and Go, Phase 2, Week 2
Foam rolling and mobility work
Front box squats - (60% load) 6x2@60#, 1x1@80#
Prone Row to External Rotation - 3x
Feet-Elevated Scap Push-ups - 3x
Snatch grip rack pulls - 1x6@150#, 1x6@155#, 1x6@160#
Side-lying extension-rotation - 2x8/side
DB forward lunges - 3x8/side@27.5#ea
Landmines - 3x5@65#
Static calf stretch off step - 2
Kneeling heel to bull stretch - 2

1 comment:

Laura M said...

Landmines are my favorite!