Thursday, March 4, 2010

check another one off

I knocked out another 2 mile run from my 20k schedule.  I'm finding the draw of a schedule to be very helpful in getting myself out of bed in the morning.  My schedule is pretty tight if I want to only increase my weekly distance by about 10% per week and make the 20k in June.  The plan also includes a low mileage week in the middle.

I'm hoping to sweet talk DH into joining me on my scheduled 3 mile run this weekend.  We'll be at my parents' place, so for once, we'll have someone to watch the kiddos.  I hope the weather is good.

Today, I watched MTV while I ran.  Early in the morning I guess they assume their target clientele  is asleep (probably true) because, get this, they actually play music!  Wow.

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