Thursday, January 6, 2011

A little DL progress

I realized after last week that I didn't try a mixed grip on when I had issues with a slipping grip effecting lockout.  This time, I remembered and had a much easier time of it.  Still, although I added another 5 pounds onto my conventional DL, I'm not up to sumo DL weight.  What I pulled today was pretty close to my max, I think.  There wasn't much left.  I hope my back doesn't get too sore.  I felt like a couple times, I let my lower back get lax.  I corrected that for the heavier lifts, though.  After my PR, I dropped back 20 pounds for the last two sets.  It's amazing how much easier that felt!

Show and Go, Phase 3, Week 2

Foam rolling and mobility
Conventional deadlifts (not elevated) - (warm-up 3@135#) 3@155#, 3@175, 2x3@180#, 3@185#, 3@190# (PR!), 2x3@170#
Side lying internal-external rotation - 4x8/side
DB Bulgarian split squats from deficit - 8/side@5#, 8/side@8#ea, 8/side@10#ea
Doorway slides - 2x10
Tall kneeling cable lift - 2x10@25#
Leg raise thingies (subbed for natural glute ham raise) - 2x6
Adductor stretch and calf stretch - 2x30s/side

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