Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh my aching arms!

If anyone tells you rests between exercises don't matter, let them do this workout.  The lat pulls went down to 15 seconds between sets and it is killer!  Yikes.  I'm surprised I only had to drop 5# off the weight to finish.  You better believe I was grunting and making all kinds of contorted faces.  I went up to a 2 second pause in the down position on the push-ups.  Oh my.  How humbling.

Today was Stage 6A4-2.  I'm almost done with this stage for the second time.  I don't know if I improved much or not!  I'm definitely working my arms, though.

Stage 6A4-2

Warm-up - FBB (10:54)

Negative Chin-up - 19s@17.5#, 15s@17.5#, 14s@17.5#

Underhand-grip lat pulldown - 2x2@115#, 1x1@115#, 7x2@110# (15s rests between sets)

Barbell Split Squat - 3x4@24#

Push-up with 2 second pause in down position - 1x4, 1x3, 1x4 (had several attempts at 4th rep of 2nd set and paused and stretched before 3rd and 4th rep of the 3rd set)


Barb Macy said...

Hey, girlie! What's your email address? I've got something for you. . .

Melissa said...

Hey Barb!
Can you get it off of FB? It should be on my info page. You can leave off the "-facebook" part, though.