Friday, September 17, 2010

162 bpm

After being a bit under the weather for a while, I got out this morning for my three mile run.  I had wanted to do it yesterday, but my head still felt funny.  It's not 100% now, but it's getting better.  It's starting to feel like a sinus headache, which is strange.

Anyway, I decided to dress more warmly to simulate the likely temperature I will be running at in San Antonio.  However, my plans were foiled.  It turned out to be cold enough to actually need the warmer clothes.

I ran to a 162bpm podcast this morning, taking it up 2 bpm.  I ran 3.1 miles (5km) in around 33 minutes.  Not bad for me.  In an actual race, I'd probably run faster, so training at a pace that is around what I've raced at is a good feeling.  I don't know when my next 5k will be, but maybe I'll be able to break 30 minutes in my lifetime.  My footstrike was still mostly midfoot.  I did notice a tendency to try to lengthen my stride and hit with the heel every now and then. Maybe I was getting tired.  I think I can still take it up another few bpm.  I'll probably drop back to 160bpm for my long run on Sunday, though.

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