Friday, August 20, 2010

Woot! A running goal acheived and kettlebell

Ok, so if you set your goals low enough, they are easier to achieve!  Since I ran yesterday... a little... I wanted a shorter run again today.  My goal was 2 miles.  I walked 0.14 then ran 2 miles at a 11:59 min/mile pace.  Wow, a speedster!  Ha!  I ate a Gu gel before running.  I have a hard time finding something to eat that early in the morning that won't slow me down.  I think the Gu does well.  I don't really like the idea of such a weird food-like product, but I'm not sure what else I can do.  Anyway, my tummy felt fine for the run and I'm still energized.

After the run, I headed to the basement and did a kettlebell workout.  I'm still getting used to it, so it wasn't spectacular, but I did make progress.

10 front squats
10 swings
5 R front squats
5 L front squats
20 alt swing
8 L clean
8 R clean
10 swings
10 L clean/squat/press
10 R clean/squat/press

All these were done with lone kettlebell, a Gold's Gym 20lb kettlebell.  Yes, I don't have a hallowed RKC kettlebell.  I have a cheap Wal-Mart kettlebell.  Yes, I actually did buy it at Wal-Mart.  Bad me.  It seemed to fit me well and was way less money than an RKC bell, especially since I didn't have to ship it.  If I stick with them and need a higher weight, maybe then I'll spring for the good stuff.  I was already getting flack for wanting one, though, so ~$30 was doable.

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