Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Toe issues...

Ok, so NOW it's my TOE!  I stubbed it on the carpet.  Yes, on the carpet.  Nothing exciting like the wall or the chair, just caught it on the carpet.  It was surprisingly painful that day (Saturday) and now, on Tuesday, it has lessened, but it's still there.  So, I cut my run short this morning so as not to make it worse.  Actually, mother nature was calling, which helped seal the deal.  When I woke up, it was raining, but by the time I got outside, there was a clearing in the rain.  There was no lightning this time, which has been a rare situation lately.  I ran (what little that was) with Podrunner.  I hadn't done that in a while and I miss it!  In that short run, I saw three bunnies.

After the brief  (<0.5mile) run, I went to the basement to practice some kettlebell stuff.
With the 20# bell:
20 swings
20 alternating swings
10 L cleans
10 R cleans
20 swings
Then I tried some Turkish Getup stuff.  Those are definitely harder than they look.  Unweighted is fine.  With 20#?  Lots of stabilization required.  I might try for a while with a lighter dumbbell just to get the form down.

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