Saturday, October 16, 2010

Orion's belt

Friday morning, I was enjoying the stars.  Whenever I ran south, I had a nice view of Orion, which has long been my favorite constellation.  Maybe because it's the only one I can easily pick out.  I picked it out long before I knew what it was.  I used to think it was a hot air balloon.  Anyway, I ran 2.5 miles Friday, about 2.5 on Wednesday and 4 on Monday.

Friday evening, I was feeling sluggish and tired and was running a low fever, so I went to bed at about 7:30.  I read a little then went to sleep.  I slept for about 10.5 hours and was in bed for 12.  That is sooo not me.  So, I know something was up. Today, I had a headache, at least partly because I was in bed for so long.  A couple ibuprofen is keeping it under control, though.  Tomorrow is the big day.  Half-marathon day.  I guess I'm ready enough to give it a try.  It'll be harder, I think, without my brother to run with.  It's a pretty flat course, though, so it should be rather easy... at least as easy as half marathons go!  Ha!

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