Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finished Fat Loss III !!

Yes.  Finally.  I finished the Fat Loss 3 program from New Rules of Lifting.  Wow.  That is one of the toughest programs I've ever done.  Thanks to my foot and the pure torture of this program plus the increased running, it took me over two months to complete 12 workouts.  I guess that isn't all that bad considering 2 straight a week would have been a month and a half.

Today's workout was a wonderful use of my new equipment.  The equipment is perfect in every way.  I also used my new Lynx grips for the first time.  They worked very well.  I'll have to decide when to use them.  I'm thinking mostly on the heavier weights.  After a while my hands get a little tired from having to grip a little harder or something.

The workout took 1:28 plus foam rolling.  It's so nice to have a foam roller handy for right afterward.  I'm pretty thrilled with how my squats are improving.  A little in weight, but a lot in form.  Also, my step-up form is improving... less help from the trailing leg.  I love not sitting for the pulldowns.  It seems closer to an actual chin-up/pull-up.

Now for the stats...


Front squat - 4x10@ 60#

Underhand lat pulldown - 4x10@ 90#

Step-up - 4x10@ 20# each hand, 7 risers (18")

Dumbbell push press - 4x10@ 25# each hand

Squat - 1x20@ 60#, 1x20@ 65# (woo hoo!  went up in weight!  used Eco Ball to keep bar from sliding on bare shoulders)

Wide-grip lat pulldown - 2x20@ 70#

Step-up - 2x20@ 15# each hand, 7 risers

Dumbbell shoulder press - 2x20@ 20# each hand

Swiss-ball crunch - 2x10@ bw (sat ON ball this time, arms overhead... surprised how much harder this is than resting back on ball)

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