Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another workout today!

This time it was lifting.  Lifting is nicer in the evening, running is nicer in the morning.  Hmmm....

Well, it was a good lift.  I had just spent 2 hours in front of the computer doing some financial stuff, so my eyes were buggy and I needed a change of pace.  Lifting was a good answer!

Today was a 5x5 routine.  Tough and heavy!  I really got some good gains in, though.  I'm deadlifting well over my weight now.  Woo hoo!

Again, I put so much into the squats and deadlifts, that I can't load up the BSS and step-ups all that much.  Last time the 5x5 came around, I tried to, but had to stop at 3 sets.

I was wearing shorts, so I made liberal use of the Eco-Ball on my legs so I didn't tear them up too badly during the deadlifts.  I still hurt the skin a tad (like a mild rug burn) but not too bad.  I really should wear pants for these.  With this kind of weight, I realize I can't even attempt to hold the bar out a bit.  Also, I wish I would have not used the Lynx grips on the last set.  During the last rep, the one in the right hand shifted a bit because I was having issues with keeping a hold on the Lynx grip.

Hypertrophy I B4

Warm-up - from Female Body Breakthrough (10:29), 3x45# squat

Squat - 1x5 @75#, 3x5 @80#, 1x5 @85#

Deadlift shrug - 1x5 @150#, 3x5 @155@, 1x5 @160#

Bulgarian split squat - 5x5 @15# each hand

Step-ups - 5x5 @10# each hand

Swiss ball rollout - 3x10 (subbed for reverse crunch, stretched arms out farther than last time)

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