Sunday, February 26, 2012

Deload week

I got to the 4th week ok the Simple Strength 1 program from Beautiful Badass. This is a deload week where I am supposed to lower the weights. It went well. Having the video was nice. My form seems ok.

Deadlift - 3x5x115#
RDL - 4x10x120#
Hanging knee raise - 4x10

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Forearms on fire!

Great workout today. I made it up. My fore arms are burning! The getups were feeling great with the 12kg. In the past, I've been challenged with the 20# bell.

I used the Tivo a lot today. I have it set to record me, then I can watch my form while I rest. I love it!

My daughter was with me during the workout. She wants a kettlebell now, one that is her size. She can lift the 20# bell, but not swing it. I might just get her one!

Foam rolling
Halos 5 per side 12kg
TGUs 20# 2R2L - 12kg RL - 2R2L - 2R2L
Pushups 6-8-6-6-7
Goblet squats - 16kg 5x10
2H swings 2x10 - 3x20
1H swings 12kg 2x[5R5L-4R4L-3R3L-2R2L-RLRLRL], 16kg 5R5L
2H swings 16kg 30-20-10

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I have to admit, I was dawdling this morning, not wanting to do my squat workout. In the past, I've had form issues with the squat and for some reason, I have fear of those coming back. Of course, if they do, I just correct them, but still... Anyway, I pushed through my hesitation and got started. They went fine. I did keep the weight the same on the second working set to correct some issues that were creeping in. I could tell my knees were tending to want to slide back, which probably meant my hips were rising without my shoulders rising. It wasn't horrible, but I want to do these right. My knees didn't cave in, which is what my big problem has been in the past.

For the reverse lunges, 8 reps really started to get my heart going. I kept the weight the same as what I used for most of my 6-rep lunge sets previously. I'm not going to enjoy going up to 10 then 15 reps. I'm definitely going to have to decrease the weight if I'm going to stick with the plan. The 8 reps on the leg raise also got to where I could feel it in my abs more. It's amazing what 2 more reps can do!

Mobility (Desk Jockey 1)
Squat - 5x45#, 4x60#, 4x70#, 3x80#, 2x7x90#
Reverse Lunge - 5x8x65#
Hanging Bent Leg Raise - 5x8

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Better swings

I did the KB swing workout again from Tracy Reifkind's Mastering the Kettlebell Swing. I started out with the sock sleeves, but dropped them after a bit. I don't care for them much with my 16kg KB. I did a lot better with my hands this time. I pinched a couple times, but was fine most of the time.
I started out with a couple 20# TGUs on each side, then did the swing workout with the 16kg KB which included various combos to total:
230 2-hand swings
240 1-hand swing

The blood is still under my skin from the blood blister I got last time I did this workout. It looks nasty, but doesn't hurt. The blister part is gone.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sore delt

I got in a workout this evening. I did something to my right delt, though. It's rather sore.

EC's Desk Jockey 2 mobility warm up
5 arm bars each side + 2 arm bar presses @12kg
Floor press - 5x65#, 4x75#, 3x85#, 7x90#, 3x95# (failed on 4th rep, delt sore)
Diamond push-ups - 5x8
Palms up inverted row - 5x8
Foam rolling

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Deads :)

Late evening lift tonight. Couldn't miss my deadlifts, though!

A&C mobility
Deadlifts - 5x135#, 7x155#, 7x165#
RDL - 2x8x145#, 3x8x155#
Hanging Knee Raise - 2x8
Hanging Bent Leg Raise - 3x8
Foam rolling and back buddy

and some pushups:
8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 5

Thursday, February 16, 2012

OHP fatigue

Not much time, but here was my workout:
Standing overhead press - 5x45#, 6x55#, 6x65#, 9x60#, 7x55#, I get fatigued on these very quickly
Suspended push-up - on JGXT - 6x6, lowered the handles more for the last two, these are getting really stable
Neutral Grip Chin-up - using JGXT, feet on ground - 6x6
Farmer's walks - 16kg in one hand gripped with fingers, 3x80ft

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Working on KB stuff and squats

Yesterday, I decided to work on my shoulder strength and my finger grip strength. Last time I did a lot of 1-handed swings, I got some blisters on the base of my fingers, including one blood blister. That looks gross! The blister is gone now, but the blood is still there.

The blisters formed because my grip was not correct during the switch off between hands. I would grip it too tightly and in the process, pinch skin in between my hand and the handle.

So, I did some farmer's carries to work on finger strength. I also worked on shoulder strength with arm bars and TGUs.

Yesterday's WO:
5L5R 20# arm bar with press
TGU 20# 4L4R3L3R2L3R2L2R1L1R
5LR alternating arm bar with press 12kg
Farmer's walk with one KB using finger hook grip 16kg LRLR ~200ft (10 laps of my weight room)
2-arm swings - 16kg - 210, 10, 10
1-arm swings - 12kg - 2xladder 5L5R -> 1L1R

Today was the Beautiful Badass Simple Strength 1 Week 2 Day 3. I watched the squat section of Rippetoe's Starting Strength video during my workout. Such a good video!

Mobility using A&C Desk Jockey 1
Squat - 6x45#, 4x55#, 4x65#, 9x75#, 9x85#
Reverse Lunge - 3x6x65#, 6x70, 6x65#, 6x70#
Hanging Knee Raise - 6x6

Monday, February 13, 2012

Floor presses and points

I did my regularly scheduled Beautiful Baddass Simple Strength 1 workout and followed up with some bodyweight stuff for Fitocracy quests :)

Yes, I never wanted to do burpees or squat thrusts again, but I guess I'll make an execption for the chance to get closer to the hub's points!  Ha!

mobility and foam rolling
arm bars, 5x20# arm bar presses
Floor Press - 8x45#, 5x70#, 9x85#, 9x90#
Diamond Push-ups - 6x6
Palms Up Inverted Row - 6x6
Then some Fitocracy point stuff:
1-arm DB row - 3x45# each side
BW squat - 15, 15
BW lunge - 10, 10
BW jump squat - 10
Burpee - 10, 15, 15, 15, 20 ,25
Push-up - 5, 5, 10 (because the diamond style push-ups didn't count for the quest, apparently!)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Getting heavier

I'm working my deadlifts weights back up. Feels good!

I took my time resting between sets. It's nice not to have to rush on weekends. The RDLs were giving me a bit of grip strength challenge. I only used a mixed grip on the last set, though.  I used Lynx grips for the hanging knee raises and focussed on keeping my lats tight, like the start of a pull-up.

What a great way to start the day!

BB Simple Strength 1
Mobility & foam rolling
DL - 4x135#, 9x145#, 9x155#
RDL - 2x6x145#, 2c6x150#, 6x155#, 6x160#
Hanging knee raise - 6x6

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gentle Hatha Yoga

I did a 70 minute hatha yoga class from this morning. I really needed the stretch and slow movement. Perfect!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pressing matters

This morning was another good lift. I watched Rippetoe's Starting Strength video for the overhead press during this. That was nice because I don't have a whole lot of experience with the BB press.

EC mobility Desk Jockey 2
arm bars
Standing Overhead Press - 3x45#, 3x55#, 7x65#, 9x60#, 7x60#
Suspended Push-up - arms raised ~2ft on JGXT - 6x6
Neutral Grip Chin-up - using JGXT with feet on floor - 6x6
Then 3x45# bench press for a Fitocracy quest :)

I think I found my 9RM (if there is such a thing) on the OH Press!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Squats and swings

Yesterday was a good squat workout.

Squats - 20x45#, 9x65#, 9x75#
Reverse Lunge - 6x6x65#
Hanging Knee Raise - 6x6
Plus a bunch of stuff to get points on Fitocracy.

Today, I did the 2nd workout from Mastering the Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing. Good stuff. I could follow along a little better with this one. Still not sure I like follow-along videos for kettlebells. I get annoyed when I'm not in synch with them. But, it was great to have the cues and the programming ideas.

All together I did:
230 2-handed swings with the 16kg bell
150 1-handed with the 12kg bell
90 1-handed with the 16kg bell

1-handed swings, in particular, are giving me issues with grip. I have a hard time gripping properly so as not to cause callouses. Hmmm....

I also did some silly stuff for Fitocracy quests:
BP 3x45#
Seated DB Press 10x15#ea
DB Chest Flyes 15x15#ea
DB biceps Curl 15x10#ea
Cable Face Pull 10x20#
Dance 10 minutes

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I made up a kettlebell workout today. I wanted to work on the basics. I think I acheived that. The snatches went better than usual. I think working on single arm swings helped that. I hit my arm a little, but not too bad. That's a fear I have. That fear can make me overthink the move. I that will get better with practice. This took about 40 minutes.

Foam rolling
TGUs - 20# - 5R, 5L, 4R, 4L, 3R, 3L, 2R, 2L, 1R, 1L
Cleans and Presses - 12kg - 5R, 5L, 4R, 4L, 3R, 3L, 2R, 2L, 1R, 1L
Snatches - 20# - 3R, 3L - 12kg - 3R, 3L, 2R, 2L, 1R, 1L
2-arm Swings - 16kg - 7x 30s/30s (20 per set)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Floor Presses!

The snow has started! It's not clear how much we'll get, since we are on the edge of a system, but it's coming down thickly right now. Maybe the ski hill with get a reprieve from snow making!

This morning was a good lift. I'm liking the shorter routines. That leaves me more time to get in a little bit of pre-hab work, like foam rolling and arm bars.

Beautiful Badass Simple Strength Wk1D2
Desk Jockey 2 warmup/mobility, arm bars
Floor Press - 8x45#, 6x45#, 4x65#, 9x85#, 9x85#
Diamond Push-ups - (subbed for dips) 6x6
Palms Up Inverted Row - 6x6

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm baaaack!

Yesterday I finished up Body of Fire. It felt great to be done. It was a tough program. There wasn't much heavy lifting, but it was still hard. I definitely improved my push-up capacity. All in all, I did 1740 push-ups, not including ones that were included in the combos.

Now, I'm on to Beautiful Badass, using the Simple Strength program. I also warmed up with the Desk Jockey Option 1 warm up from Assess & Correct. I miss Eric Cressey's mobility work, so this was welcome.

The program was shorter than I've been doing, so I had more time to do some soft tissue work afterward. That will be helpful. I think I will call this day my grip strength day.

Here is is:
DJ1 Warm-up
Deadlift - 9x135#, 9x145#
RDL - 4x6x135#, 6x145#, 6x150#
Hanging Knee Raise - 6x6
Foam rolling and soft tissue work