Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scared away by lightning

I knew the storms were moving this way, but looking at the radar, it looked like I had some time before the rain got here.  I did.  However, lightning can strike many miles in front of the storm.  I still figured I had time, so I got ready and headed out.  I didn't even make it to the next house when  I saw lightning in the sky in front of me.  I took that as a warning and headed back inside.  I'm sure it wasn't close, but I had been hearing rumbles.  It's not worth it.

So, I headed to the basement to do Stage 6A5-2, the last A workout.  Not my favorite.  I'm not a huge AMRAP fan.  But, it's short and I knew it would be.

Stage 6A5-2

Warm-up - not much of anything

Negative Chin-up - 20s, 17s, 16s (17.5# on back)

Underhand-grip Lat Pulldown - 4@115# (0/1/4 timing)

Barbell Split Squat - 2x10 @60#

Push-up - 14, 10 (on floor, using DB for hand grip)


Anonymous said...

This cartoon is very fitting: Conditional Risk

Melissa said...

Yes, I saw that cartoon recently, too! That was also in the back of my mind when I made the decision. I like the pop-up comment, too: "Dude, wait -- I'm not American! So my risk is basically zero!"