Sunday, September 25, 2011


I didn't get a PR today in deadlifts, but they were still good.  This is more than I've lifted in a long time.  I was getting annoyed with the complex and was going to shorten the number of sets for that and the rest of the workout, but my son came down during the 3rd round and somehow that encouraged me to complete the workout as planned.

Fine Tune B5
Foam rolling and 5 min rope skipping
Swiss Ball Crunch - 2x10/10# (slow!)
Complex - High Pull, Front Squat with Push Press, Back Squat 4/8x45#
Deadlift - 5/155#, 2x5/160#, 5/165#
Dumbell Rotational Overhead Press - 5/20#, 3x5/25#
Single-Leg Squat - 4x5 to 6 risers
Bent-Over Row - 5/65#, 3x5/75#

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