Friday, April 8, 2011

FBB Base A2

So far, I've managed to not get was my son has.  I kept feeling like something was coming, but it hasn't arrived yet.  I hope it can stay away for good!

I think I'm already feeling some benefit from the single-leg training.  I did a reset on the step-ups and started last time with bodyweight.  I feel like my form is much better than a year or so ago.  Now, I'm loading them back up slowly.  I'm not 100% sure I feel the muscle deactivation called from in the partial co-contraction lunge.  It is a good exercise, though.  I didn't burn all that many calories during today's workout, but it was still worthwhile.

FBB Base Phase A
54 minutes
Foam rolling (from SnG), warm-up
Bird dog - 2x10
Forward Ball Roll - 2x10
Stepup - 10/bw, 10/5#ea hand
Three-point Dumbbell Row - 2x10/45#
Partial Co-contraction Lunge - 2x10
Pushup - 2x10
Hip-Thigh Extension - 2x10 with leg straight
Bent-Over Reverse Fly - 2x10/8#

1 comment:

Holly said...

Melly - I am not sure I feel those partial contraction lunges either!