Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Tempo" Run

I decided to do a faster pace run this morning, or a tempo run.  As I was preparing, I just couldn't get my mind around 3 miles at a faster pace.  My brain started trying to talk me out of running.  But I was up early and there was no wind (but it was 32F), so I told myself I had to do it.  So, I conceded a little and decided 2 miles was enough for my first tempo run of the season.  After foam rolling, I set my FR305 Virtual Partner for 2 miles at a 10:30min/mile pace, which is about 30 seconds faster than I've been averaging for long runs, and set out.  The run went great.  I think it was the right distance for this time.  I find the VP motivational.  The only problem is, in the dark or twilight, it's hard to read the distance between me and my VP.  I can see if I am ahead (clear) or behind (black), though.

I need to see if I can use VP with a warmup and cooldown...

4 bunnies today!

1 comment:

fatblond said...

32 degrees in April ?!?!?!?! That does not make sense.