After my run Sunday, my calves got very, very sore. I've been limping around looking silly. I could have let that keep me from lifting today, but I didn't. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad at all. Foam rolling was a no-go, but even squatting was fine.
Overhead Squat - 5x15#, 3x5x30#
Bench Press - 5x45#, 4x60#, 3x70#, 3x5x85#
Power Clean - 5x45#, 3x5x55#
Pull-up - 1 w/ red band
I guess I forgot to mention my 2.5 mile run on Sunday. I threw in a few walking parts. It was so much warmer and more humid than I like. Ugh. As said, my calves got very sore afterward. Ouch! I was wearing my VFFs. I need to run more often so I'm ready for a run I have scheduled next month!
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