Monday, July 30, 2012

OH Squat Fail

I know overhead squats are a move I haven't used much in the past, but it still irks me that I failed them today. It was at only 35 pounds, too! I simply couldn't keep the bar steady over my head and when I went down into the squat, the weight became unbalanced. The first try, I ditched the bar in front of me. The second try, I got a couple reps in before my central nervous system wouldn't allow the unsteadiness to continue. I didn't ditch the bar, but I couldn't get down. I guess this is a good reason to keep up my kettlebell TGU holds. Later on, I did better with my bench press. There were some long grind reps, but I breathed through them and got them up. The power cleans, also a new-ish move, went well, too. I'm going to rewatch the Starting Strength video on these to verify that my form is good.

Overhead Squat - 5x15#, 4x25#, 1x5x35#, 1x3x35# (glad I have the 15# bar!)
Bench Press - 5x45#, 4x60#, 3x75#, 3x5x87#
Power Clean - 5x45#, 3x5x60#

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