Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Circuit time!

Foam rolling and FBB warm-up
30 second per each exercise then 30-60 rest
KB swings
KB TGU (1 side then other side)
jump rope
walking lunges

I'm a little shaky now!  Woot!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Some outdoor fun and another lift

Yesterday, the sun broke through for a while. Before lunch, we decided it would be a good time to get in a quick walk/bike ride.  The kids would rather ride their bikes, but I need to be on foot, ready to help my daughter.  So, we set off with my son noting how slow we were going and my daughter working on getting over that initial terror.  (She's very afraid at first, but wants to ride so bad, she does it anyway.  Plenty of screams and maybe even some tears.)  She's only four, but she's doing great riding a regular 16" bike with no training wheels.  About a block down the road, we stopped to talk to some neighbors, the family of a friend of my son.  During this time, my daughter got VERY impatient.  We said we were going to ride bikes, so LET'S RIDE BIKES!  We ended up leaving my son to play and my daughter and I continued on.  After a while, she mostly forgets she's afraid and I have a nice walk/jog while we talk.  Before too long, she's zooming along and I'm barely keeping up!  At this point, I no longer have to keep my finger on her back.  When she's scared, she likes the reassurance of my finger/hand lightly touching (i.e. not helping) on her back.  It's funny.  Anyway, I got in over a mile of jogging!

This morning, I got in my lift.  Felt good!  I was able to increase some loads.  Nice.  These workouts may not use the heaviest weights, but I can tell they are beneficial.

Define Yourself B2
Foam rolling and warm up
Reverse Wood Chop - 2x8ea/30# (rope attachment)
Prone Jackknife - 2x8
Stepup - 8ea/15#ea, 8ea/17.5#ea (7 risers)
T Pushup - 4ea/5#ea, 4ea/8#ea
Single-Leg Squat - 2x8ea (to bench)
Alternating Lateral Raise - 2x8ea/10#ea
Supinated Hip Extention with Leg Curl (SHELC) - 2x8
Inverted Row - 2x8

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lifting to TMBG

Today, the kids were downstairs with me.  As a bit of fun, I put There Might Be Giant's DVD for Here Come the ABCs.  We enjoyed it as usual.  Not my normal workout entertainment!

My right elbow felt a bit sore right toward the end of the last set of rows.  I hope that goes away.

For the woodchops, I tried something new.  Because of the way my cable is set up, when I pull from the high pulley at an angle away from the front of the cage, the cable scrapes along the opening where the cable comes out of the tubing.  That leaves plastic shavings and can only happen for so long before I've ruined the cable.  So, today, I stood behind the cage and pulled back.  There wasn't a lot of room, but there was just enough room for me to do the move.  Much better!
Define Yourself A2
Foam rolling and FBB warmup
Wood Chop - 8ea/35#, 8ea/40#
Plank - 2x90s
Dumbbell Squat with Offset Load - 8ea/15#, 8ea/20#
Dumbbell Alternating Overhead Press - 8ea/20#ea, 8ea/25#ea
Single-Leg Bent-Knee Deadlift - 8ea/10#ea, 8ea/5#ea
Chinup with Band - 2x6 with 1/2" and 3/4" bands together
Alternating Lateral Lunge - 2x8ea/15#ea
Two-Point Dumbbell Row - 2x8ea/45#

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Defining B

This workout didn't seem as intentense, but that is just fine!

I got less sleep than I wanted thanks to loud raccoons outside last night!

It's nice to see I could do the jackknives without much problem.  It has been a LONG time since I did those!

Female Body Breakthrough
Define Yourself B1
Foam rolling and warm up
Reverse Wood Chop - 2x8ea/30#
Prone Jackknife - 2x8
Stepup - 8ea/10#ea, 8ea/15#ea
T Pushup - 2x4ea/5#ea
Single-Leg Squat - 2x8ea
Alternating Lateral Raise - 8ea/8#ea, 8ea/10#ea (window worked nicely as a mirror for form check!)
Supinated Hip Extention with Leg Curl (SHELC) - 2x8 (ooops, bent hips on first set)
Inverted Row - 2x8

Monday, June 20, 2011

Defining myself

This morning saw the begining of the next phase of Female Body Breakthrough, Define Yourself.

I got my logs edited and printed last night so I could get up this morning to lift!  I was still sore from Saturday.

I'm not sure about the single-leg DL.  It doesn't feel right.  I'll still do it, but it is hard to know what the form should be for this.
I used both of my new Superbands to assist the chinups.  I can still do one, but not 6-8 in the latter half of a workout!

Define Yourself A1
Foam rolling and FBB warmup
Wood Chop - 8ea/30#, 8ea/35#
Plank - 2x90s (squeezing everything)
Dumbbell Squat with Offset Load - 8ea/15#, 8ea/20#
Dumbbell Alternating Overhead Press - 8ea/15#ea, 8ea/20#ea
Single-Leg Bent-Knee Deadlift - 8ea/15#ea, 8ea/10#ea
Chinup with Band - 4,6 with 1/2" and 3/4" bands together
Alternating Lateral Lunge - 2x8ea/15#ea
Two-Point Dumbbell Row - 2x8ea/45#

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Done with the Base phase!

Although there was a long hiatus before the final two workouts of this phase, I'm calling it done.  I would love to do more OH squats, but I need to move on.

This workout is so darn long that I did 3 sets of the first 4 exercises and 2 sets of the last 4.  I'm not super excited about BSS at the end of a workout, anyway.  Two sets of those are enough when my rear is already blasted.

I got two SPRI Superbands in the mail yesterday.  I got the 1/2" and the 1".  They are thicker than I expected.  Pretty sturdy.  The next phase of FBB has assisted pull-ups, so I wanted to have them on hand.  (I can't yet do ~8 pull-ups!)

I don't normally do smoothies for post-workout, but I'm out of Greek yogurt.  So, some frozen mango, milk, and a scoop of my vanilla caramel swirl blended together.... yum!!

Female Body Breakthrough Base B8

Foam rolling from SnG and warm-up from FBB
Upper-Body Core Stability Russian Twist - 3x10/20# (feet off floor)
Prone Cobra - 3x90s
Overhead Squat - (wu 5/15#) 2x10/30#, 7/35#
Lateral Raise with External Rotation - 3x10/10#ea
Single-Leg, Single-Arm Romanian Deadlift - 2x10/50#
Split-Stance Cable Single-Arm Lat Pullover - 2x10/12.5#
Bulgarian Split Squat - 2x10ea/10#ea
Split-Stance Cable Row - 2x10/50# (low pulley)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back to lifting... ugh to the push-ups!

The tent came down last night and I got my lift in this morning!  Woot!

A couple things to note.  I dropped my rows back down a bit because I was trying to finish off the last 2-3 reps of the set with back rotation.  For a lower rep set, I would be fine with 50#, but I need to complete all reps with good form.  Also, I was very disappointed with my push-ups.  I would think I should be able to bang out push-ups no problem, but I'm still struggling with more than a few reps.  Frustrating. I should probably go to an incline to fix them.

FBB Base Phase A81:08
Foam rolling (from SnG), warm-up (did all jumping moves)
Bird dog - 3x10
Forward Ab Roll - 3x10 (subbed ab roller for ball)
Stepup - 3x10/15#ea hand
Three-point Dumbbell Row - 1x10/50#, 2x10/45#
Partial Co-contraction Lunge - 3x10
Pushup - 2x10, 1x4 (some pauses, booooo)
Hip-Thigh Extension - 3x10 with knee pulled in
Bent-Over Reverse Fly - 3x10/8#

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Catching up!

Ok, so I haven't updated lately.  I have been dealing with a mild case of achilles tendonitis.  (According to the doctor, it's probably this rather than plantar fasciitis, but they are closely related.)  I was taking it easy and not running much to save myself for the Dam to Dam 20k.  So, I didn't get nearly as much training in for the run as I had hoped.  I did finish the Dam to Dam, but not as well as last year.  I had to take a potty break a couple miles before the end.  Also, it was so much warmer than I'm used to, I was exhausted by the end and had to walk a bit.  Nonetheless, completing 12.4 miles is nothing to sneeze at and it's something I wouldn't have been able to do a few years ago. I finished in 2:32:38 compared to 2:25:24 last year.

Less than a week after the 20k, I was off with my family on a ~130 mile fully self-supported bike trip along the Katy Trail State Park in central Missouri.  We did over 35 miles on each of the first three days, then 19 miles on the last day.  Normally, that wouldn't be a whole lot of riding, but considering it was on crushed gravel (sometimes not firmly packed), we had all our camping supplies, clothes, and food with us, as well as our two young kids, this was not a leisurely ride! (It didn't help that I was still recovering from the 20k, I'm sure, and it was in the 90s the first couple days.)  It was a great trip that went off seamlessly.  We did a lot of planning ahead of time, considering it was the longest tour ever, especially with kids.  A great experience.

Now, it's time for me to get back in the rhythm of daily workouts.  This morning, I got up to lift, only to find the tent set up in the basement.  This almost made me give up working out for the morning, but I decided I had woken up so early to work out, by golly I was going to work out!  So, I pulled out a BodyRock.tv workout, Tik Tok Challenge, and got a good workout in.  In fact, I was very surpised to see that my times for the challenge were considerably better than the other three times I did this workout!  And I was 8 pounds lighter at the time. (Oops!!  Time to nip that in the bud.)

My times today were:  2:30, 2:46, 2:54
My previous times were: 
3:25, 3:34, 3:26
3:37, 4:06, 3:43
4:21, 4:05, 3:48
So, the plan is to lift tomorrow morning and I'll make up a plan to stick to for the long term soon.  (The tent is coming down tonight!)