Thursday, October 25, 2012

Still soooore!

Those eccentric chin-ups Tuesday really did their thing. I am still sore today. I don't know if that is the cause or not, but I just wasn't as "with it" during my workout today. As usual, that leads to a little less focus and a little more time spent. I did leave off the deadlifts (extra strength), even though I love deadlifts. I just know how long it takes to do four sets of good quality deadlifts. I'd rather take my time with them than rush them, especially since that could lead to injury! I don't need that. My SI joint would thank me if it could talk, I'm sure.

Given the sore arms and upper body, I couldn't even do a chin up with the band. So, I did them with my feet on the ground for assistance, making sure my torso stayed vertical. Still a great workout. I'm still really liking this program.

NRLA Phase 2B-2
full warm-up
Front plank and pulldown - 10ea/22.5#
Side plank and row - 10ea/22.5#
Swiss ball jackknife - 12
Cable kneeling cross-body lift - 10ea/22.5#
DB step-up - 3x8ea/17.5#ea
DB 1-arm push press - 2x8ea/12kg
DB offset load front squat - 8/25#R15#L, 8/15#R25#L
Mixed-grip chin up - 2x8 with feet on the floor for assistance
Kettlebell swings - 12 every 30 seconds for 4 rounds, then every 40 seconds for 6 rounds 20kg

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