Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back from a week off

This past week was crazy, so I decided to focus on getting enough sleep rather than working out. It worked and I ended the week well rested and without having the house in chaos!

Today, I started back up with my New Rules of Lifting for Abs routine. I'm still loving this program. Again, since it was Saturday, I did both the extra strength and the metabolic work. That is too long for a normal day. I don't quite get the timing on the met work, though. The instruction were to do 10-12 swings on the minute for ten minutes. They claimed this should be 1:1 or 1:2 work/rest ratio. KB swings usually work out to 20 swings in 30 seconds, give or take a couple. So, not wanting to spend too much time, I did 12 swings every 30s and rested the rest, giving me pretty close to equal work equal rest (1:1). So, I did  all the swings called for, just in half the time! It kind of surprised me that the book had this wacky timing, since I think I remember reading that Alwyn and Rachel went through the RKC program. Maybe it was just Rachel.

NRLA Phase 2B-1
full warm-up
Front plank and pulldown - 12ea/20#
Side plank and row - 12ea/20#
Swiss ball jackknife - 12
Cable kneeling cross-body lift - 10ea/20#
BB shoulder press - 8/45#, 6/50#, 4/52#, 8/45#
DB step-up - 3x8ea/15#ea
DB 1-arm push press - 2x8ea/25#
DB offset load front squat - 8/25#R15#L, 8/15#R25#L
Mixed-grip chin up - 2x3/red band
Kettlebell swings - 12 every 30 seconds for 5 minutes: 5x20kg, 5x16kg

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