Monday, October 1, 2012

One round left in Phase 1!

I had nice energy today. I did the full warm up again. I still can't believe I overlooked the movement portion for so long. The weights went up a bit and it felt good! I have Phase 2 printed out and ready to go. I should probably read over the exercise descriptions before I start, though.

Phase1B - 7
Full warm up
Anti-rotation static hold - 2x30s/side, used band
Elevated plank - (feet on bench, arms straight, one leg up) 10x10s on, 3s rest
Elevated side plank - (feet on bench, arm straight, arm and leg up) 5x10s on, 3s rest, L then R
Dumbbell single leg RDL - 2x12/legx50#
Dumbbell alternating OH press - non working hand held up w/weight - 2x12/arm x18.75#
OH squat - 2x12x30#
Cable kneeling pulldown -2x75#

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