Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Another good workout this morning. This time I tried waking up to making the kids' lunches before heading down stairs. It seemed to work. I didn't feel the urge to dilly dally. I'll keep trying that. I like these 10-minute "as many rounds as possible" sets. It insures that I don't spend too much time on them. I did still require extra pauses during  pushups, but overall things went well.

NRLA 3B2-2
Dumbbell (KB) reverse lunge with offset loading - 5x16kg
Dumbbell incline bench press - 4x28.25# each hand
Dumbbell one-and-a-quarter squat with heels on plate - 5x15# each hand
Close-grip chin up - 5x3 using red band
Bodyweight squat+ push up - 3,6,9,6,3 (paused every 3 push ups)

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