Wednesday, January 23, 2013


My left knee was tweaky, so I paid attention to it. During the SLDLs, I really felt it, so I only did those on my right.

I have a little beef with the book on the SLDLs. They have you stand on a plate for more depth. What?? First of all, dumbbells are several inches smaller in diameter than a barbell with 45# plates, so even without a plate to stand on, if you could get all the way down on one leg to touch the ground with the DB (without twisting your upper body to make it happen... note, these are deadlifts, not Romanian deadlifts) you'd already have way more range of motion than a standard DL. Why would you want to add another inch or two to that? Who can actually do this without being tempted to break good form? I mean really, you'd have to pretty much be able to do weighted pistol squats to even approach it because I don't think it's even really a deadlift any more with that kind of depth, it's closer to a squat. Ok, rant over.

Split squat, rear foot elevated - 5x6/15#ea
DB plank row - 5x6/16kg
DB single leg deadlift - 4x6/25# only right leg
DB chest press on partial bench - 4x6/28.25#
Burpee + KB Swing - ladder 10 -> 1, 24kg for swings

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