Now that I'm back to blogging, here are my past few workouts:
May 3
Pull-up hands flexed arm hang 10 sec
Negative pull-up - 3x1
Goblet squat - 3x3x16kg
KB snatch - 4R4L 18#
1H swing - 12R12L 18#
Farmers walk - 24kg ~100ft each hand
TGU - RL 18#
1mile run
May 4
4x(10xswing 16kg + 5x goblet squat 12kg+ 5xclean&press 12kg)
2H swing - 20,20,20
1H swings - 12kg 4x5R5L
Racked carries - 2x20-30s 24kg
May 7
BPs and swings alternated, nice combination
Bench press - 10x45#, 5x65#, 5x75#, 3x85#, 3x90#
Chin up - 1
2H swing - 4x20
Foam roll
TGU - 12kg - RL - left failed in the middle due to slippery floor
I'm really in need of a pre-planned program, so I need to work on that ASAP. If I don't have a plan waiting for me in the morning, I waste way too much time.
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