So now, I'm doing an okay job of working out regularly. That's great. But, now, I need to get my eating back under control. I don't really work out enough to counteract bad eating habits. Lately, there has been a lot of chocolate and gummy-things around the house. I have zero will power to resist chocolate and gummy-things.
In the past, I've used Weight Watcher's Core program to lose about 25 lbs. I've gained some of that back but no where near all of it. Now, I want to recommit to the program. When I'm on program, I feel good and healthy *and* I maintain a good weight. It's not that I'm at a bad place right now, but it's creeping back up and I need to stop it now.
So far today, I had oatmeal for breakfast and soup with an apple for lunch. Only 0.5 point for the pure maple syrup (yum!!) I had on the oatmeal.
This morning I worked out. I ran+walked for 5k. The running was about 30 minutes with a couple short walk breaks. Mentally, it's hard for me to take short walking breaks. In "No Need for Speed" he talks about taking walking breaks as being good, but I'm so excited about being able to run continuously, that I feel like I'm failing if I take them.
After running, I stretched and lifted weights. All of this started at 4:45!! Wow.
Update: I had reheated soup, a salad with 1pt worth of dressing, and a 1pt piece of chocolate from my kid's advent calendar, and some almonds for supper. That makes 4.5 points today.
I definitely know what you mean about feeling like a failure when you walk. But my boyfriend ran a marathon and he sees it completely the opposite - walking is a tool to help you go farther. And in the end, it's just today you needed a few walk breaks, doesn't mean you're not a dedicated runner or a good person, just that you needed a few walk breaks :).
Yeah, I love Weight Watchers. It gets overly commercial and gimmicky at times, but it just plain works. I pretty much went through the same thing, got active but didn't change my eating. I joined WW about 5 weeks ago and have lost nearly 11 pounds...pretty sure my metabolism was super charged from all the exercise and just need a few tweaks to start getting the weight off. Good luck!
I guess I'm not too disappointed with the walk breaks. I could have gotten by without them, but I thought I'd give it a try. They do help.
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