I wanted to run on Thursday, but we went sledding instead. More fun, but not as good of a workout!
Today I managed 4 miles. I ran the first 3miles at 5.5 mph (with the exception of the first couple minutes at 5.2-5.3mph) then I ran another mile mostly at 5.0, but I kicked it up for the last little bit. I couldn't find anything particularly interesting on the TV, so I put in a 157bpm Podrunner called Native Son. The first minute or so it was hard to find the beat, but then it got better. A nice set of tribal beats. I "read" CNN on closed captioning while listening to the music. That was a nice combination. Unfortunately, around a half of a mile from my finish, my mp3 player ran out of juice. So, I plugged my phones into the treadmill. Not near as nice listening to people in suits yap. The reading of the captions takes more of my attention, which was nice.
Afterward, I did a full round of weights. I realized I was not doing much targeting for my shoulders, so next time I'm going to add a set or two. It already takes a decent amount of time to get through my standard set of lifts, so I don't want to add any more than is necessary. I am seeing some results from the lifting. I don't want to be a body builder, but strength training is so good for you, especially for women to protect from osteoporosis. I make sure I focus some on my back, too. I see too many people with back problems. NOT FUN. Also, I'm afraid I'm more likely to develop back problems due to my scoliosis.
It was/is -3F (-19.4C) with stong winds making the windchill around -25F (-31.7C). Brr! There is absolutely no way I'd be running outside in this. I may sound like a broken record, but I am so glad I joined a gym and gave in to the treadmill for the winter. It'll be nice to run outside again, though.
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