Sunday, June 10, 2012

Afternoon lift

I don't normally lift in the afternoon, but it worked out that way today. It was nice to be fully awake for once. However, I did have to deal with my daughter getting in the way and wanting me to talk during my sets. On the positive side, she got some nice dumbbell swings in!

After my finger swelled up yesterday, I decided to skip the deadlifts completely today. I'll wait until it's not sore any more before going back to deadlifts, kettlebell swings, and chin-ups. I substituted hip thrusts for the deadlifts today. I hadn't done those in a while, but had been wanting to, so it was fine! I wasn't sure what weight to use, so I just kept increasing. I could go higher next time.

Foam Rolling
Barbell Squat - 3x5x45#, 4x65#, 3x75#, 3x5x85#
Barbell Bench Press - 2x5x45#, 4x65#, 3x75#, 3x5x85#
Barbell Hip Thrust - 5x45#, 5x65#, 5x85#, 5x100#

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