Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Right on time

Yesterday I mentioned I wanted to limit my workouts to an hour. Guess how long today's workout was? An hour! Without modification, too.  (Well, I did modify a tad by replacing the jumproping with kettlebell swings and the sprinting with high knees, but both of those were timed sections. Actually, it would have been longer with sprints because I would have had to get ready to go outside.) After the workout, I did foam roll, which I haven't been doing as much since it isn't written into the program. My muscles are rather sore, so I think tomorrow might be a yoga day.  The high knees are working out very well. I can go all out without fearing falling flat on my face. I really feel my core bracing. One of these days, I'll go outside and see how well they carry over to actual sprinting.

BOF Ph2/Wk7/WO4 (mod)
Warm up: Golf ball roll, cat/camel, wall squats
KB swings: 6 alt sets of L/R swing 12kg and 2h swing 16kg timed 40s/20s
Cardio I: Split jack 4x22, squat thrust with jump 4x12
Cardio Strength: pyramid 1-12 of wideout drops and judo push-ups (first half of movement)
Cardio II: high knees 9x 20s/40s

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