Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nearing the end of stage 1

This morning, I ran a mile. A bit faster this time with a few speed intervals. I think I'll try upping the intervals next time.

After the run, I did 1A7, which is the second to last time to do this A workout. I'm thinking I might repeat stage 1 a couple more times, since I had so much off time. I peeked ahead and things don't get any easier! That's just fine, though! If I'm going to ever achieve a chin-up, I need to have my butt kicked!

Today, I really tried hard to get full motion on the squat. The weird thing is I can't seem to squat with any extra weight and stop right when my legs are parallel or a little below. So, I went all the way down to where my thighs and calves are in contact. This week I was a bit obsessed about improving my squats, so I read up on them on the internet. One person mentioned that kids do them all the time. So, I observed my kids, and it is so true. They squat all the way down for lengths of time and also stand up without a problem. Doing these full squats was difficult. I did manage to complete the sets, but I needed to pause some between some of the reps because I got a little light headed. I could really feel it in my hips afterward. I understand why many experts think the squat is the ultimate lift. I think it uses just about every muscle. One thing I noticed myself sometimes doing was extending my legs faster than my back when standing up. Not a good idea. With more weight on the bar than I currently have, that could spell back injury.

For the push-ups, I noticed that my elbows move out rather than stay close to my body. I tried on my 2nd or 3rd set to correct this, but was too weak to do that. I guess I need more work on that. I'm not really sure how close to the body the elbows really need to be.

The jump up to 15 prone jackknives per set was tough. I barely finished the last one of the last set.

I finished off with a good stretch. I feel really good today.

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