Monday, October 6, 2008

Finally an update

I've been traveling, so I haven't updated recently. While I was traveling, I was able to use the hotel's gym some. The first time, I tried the elliptical. Usually I like them, but I must have some weird electric field because my machine wouldn't work right. So, when the guy next to me with a working machine left, I moved to his. Then it wouldn't work right for me and my old machine seemed to be working for a person who took my place. It's not like this is rocket science. You hop on and start going and the nifty screen shows you stuff and lets you watch TV, etc. My screen would go blank and reboot and crazy things like that. So, the other two times I went to the fitness center I used the treadmills.

The treadmills were very nice. I set them for 1.5% incline and my goal was to run for 30-40 minutes with my heart rate at or under 150. I ended up letting it get to 155 or so because I really can't go fast with that low of a heart rate. I usually get up to around 170bpm when I'm running. I was watching TV while I ran. This was entertaining because I rarely watch TV and when I do, I don't have cable. The first time, I watched the Colbert Report. I was cracking up so much, it much have been a sight... me running while laughing. The second time wasn't as humorous. I had to do a lot of channel surfing.

I had a chance to use their nice weight machines, too.

The day I got there, I went to Mount Vernon and spent 4 hours walking around the grounds. I'd consider that cross training! The day I left, I took a walking tour of Alexandria, VA, so I got more cross training in!

Saturday we went on a hike in a nearby state park. This place actually has ups and downs and I was carrying my daughter in the backpack, so I got my workout that way. There was one spot that was really tough to go down.

Sunday, we went canoeing down a nearby river for 4-5 hours. Some of the trees were starting to turn. Very pretty. We even saw at least two bald eagles. What a regal bird! It always takes my breath away when I see them. Towards the end, there were some vultures high overhead. Maybe they could sense how tired we were!

Today, I took the kids to swimming lessons. My daughter is in the class where the parent comes along in the water. So, that's how I got my workout today. I try to stay really active with her in the water. I do a lot of walking around, turning in circles, and throwing her in the air!

So, there is the update! I'm going to see if the weather will let me get a run in tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Two of the most popular exercise machines out today are elliptical machines and treadmills. With the growing fitness awareness, treadmill has become an integral part of not only the gyms but homes too. Home treadmills are designed a little differently than those used in gyms and clubs. You can get more information about Treadmills which I browsed on internet can fetch you help.

Daisy said...

Sounds like you had a great time! And like me get into trouble with machines a lot for unexplainable reasons :D