Beautiful morning today. I got out of the house at about 5am, maybe a little earlier. It was already 66F (12.8C) with a breeze. The stars were only partially obscured by clouds. Very nice.
Today went a tad faster. I ran at 11.03 min/mile. This time I used a 159bpm mix: The Road of Excess. I did feel like I sped up some using the faster music. I was hoping I sped up more than that! By the way, I'm sure you're no longer reading this, but for DJ Steve Boyett and DJ Beatsmith, if you ever feel a neck cramp coming on right before I post a blog entry it's because I have to cram you into this:

This is my MobiBLU mp3 player. It has 1GB of memory. Plenty of space for the workout music and NPR podcasts I use. It's from Korea. It has worked great, especially after I flashed the memory on it so it stopped freezing. Very cute. AND I don't have to use iTunes to get music on it. I would have probably purchased an iPod by now if it weren't for iTunes, and by that I mean the PC application, not the music store.
Bunny count: 5, all in the last 10 minutes. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier? Or do they not wake up until 5:15?
People count: none! Only a few cars. Or does the one motorcyclist count?
Wow that's one funky MP3 player and a lot less to carry than my chunky one :)
Thanks for the links to the podcasts, I'm going to start using them too next week after I'm done with C25K!
I have tried the same thing with a 'spoken' podcast, but I just cant seem to focus enough and then I want to rewind to listen to part again and in the end I'm just fiddling with the MP3 player controls instead of running!
I agree. Fiddling with my mp3 player tends to end in disaster. This thing is so small, my fingers aren't very accurate when I'm running. One time during interval training, I tried to back track a couple seconds to see if I missed a chime and ended up going to a different track. That pretty much ended my session, or at least I had to guess at what was left of the session.
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