Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trying the Fdip152

I was a little faster getting out this morning. Still didn't get right out the door because I decided to try the Phedippidations podcast today. Although Steve makes a top-quality podcast, I'm not sure spoken podcasts are my thing right now for running. I found my mind starting to wander then I'd get annoyed because I would miss some of what he was saying. With the electronic music podcasts, the repetitiveness allows my mind to wander freely. Plus, I have the rhythm to guide my feet. So, I'll probably try this one again some time (I didn't finished the whole hour of the podcast), but I think my standard will be the Podrunner podcasts for now.

One benefit of not doing much of my own pondering during my run is that I might not be as long-winded today!

I did have my HRM again today. No surprises there. It worked the whole time, which was nice.

bunny count: only 4, but one ran with me for a while!
people count: 4 , one runner, three walkers, and a dog

I ran 2.65 miles in 31:17. 11.8 minutes/mile 7.3 minues/km. No speed demon here today. I purposefully took a route that wouldn't have me coming by my house too soon, so that I wouldn't be tempted to quit early!

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