Today went ok. I almost talked myself out of running this morning. But, I got out the door around 5:20am. The first half I did really well, but got my heartrate up too high. I was over 180bpm and couldn't get it down much without slowing down. (That HR was at the top of a long hill.) So, I slowed down. As Gary was mentioning, I'm probably taking it too hard. According to Wikipedia I should probably not be going over about 150 in order to build endurance. But I'm often in the "anaerobic" and "VO2 Max" ranges. Not great. Maybe this coming week I will work on longer but slower runs. I will be travelling, so I'm afraid I'll be on a treadmill.
Today for the first time on a run, I saw a raccoon! A relatively large one. He was running across the street on a collision course with me, but as soon as he saw me, he turned around and headed back to where he came from. I'm glad he did turn around because if he kept on, it would have probably meant he had rabies or some other disease.
The stars were out in full force today. Clear sky. I enjoyed that.
bunnies: 5, this time during the first half
people: 2
raccoon: 1
This is just my log of what is going on in the fitness side of my life. It's mostly for my own use, but if anyone else finds it interesting, great! Feel free to leave comments.
WARNING: I can be rather long winded.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
One more thing...
I forgot to mention that today's Podrunner podcast had a piece that sampled some guy advocating wearing sunscreen. I was chuckling as I ran along.
Podrunner's version of a public service announcement? Or maybe this was a feeble attempt at subliminal messaging??
Podrunner's version of a public service announcement? Or maybe this was a feeble attempt at subliminal messaging??
Thank you MobiBLU
Beautiful morning today. I got out of the house at about 5am, maybe a little earlier. It was already 66F (12.8C) with a breeze. The stars were only partially obscured by clouds. Very nice.
Today went a tad faster. I ran at 11.03 min/mile. This time I used a 159bpm mix: The Road of Excess. I did feel like I sped up some using the faster music. I was hoping I sped up more than that! By the way, I'm sure you're no longer reading this, but for DJ Steve Boyett and DJ Beatsmith, if you ever feel a neck cramp coming on right before I post a blog entry it's because I have to cram you into this:
This is my MobiBLU mp3 player. It has 1GB of memory. Plenty of space for the workout music and NPR podcasts I use. It's from Korea. It has worked great, especially after I flashed the memory on it so it stopped freezing. Very cute. AND I don't have to use iTunes to get music on it. I would have probably purchased an iPod by now if it weren't for iTunes, and by that I mean the PC application, not the music store.
Bunny count: 5, all in the last 10 minutes. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier? Or do they not wake up until 5:15?
People count: none! Only a few cars. Or does the one motorcyclist count?
Today went a tad faster. I ran at 11.03 min/mile. This time I used a 159bpm mix: The Road of Excess. I did feel like I sped up some using the faster music. I was hoping I sped up more than that! By the way, I'm sure you're no longer reading this, but for DJ Steve Boyett and DJ Beatsmith, if you ever feel a neck cramp coming on right before I post a blog entry it's because I have to cram you into this:
Bunny count: 5, all in the last 10 minutes. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier? Or do they not wake up until 5:15?
People count: none! Only a few cars. Or does the one motorcyclist count?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Trying the Fdip152
I was a little faster getting out this morning. Still didn't get right out the door because I decided to try the Phedippidations podcast today. Although Steve makes a top-quality podcast, I'm not sure spoken podcasts are my thing right now for running. I found my mind starting to wander then I'd get annoyed because I would miss some of what he was saying. With the electronic music podcasts, the repetitiveness allows my mind to wander freely. Plus, I have the rhythm to guide my feet. So, I'll probably try this one again some time (I didn't finished the whole hour of the podcast), but I think my standard will be the Podrunner podcasts for now.
One benefit of not doing much of my own pondering during my run is that I might not be as long-winded today!
I did have my HRM again today. No surprises there. It worked the whole time, which was nice.
bunny count: only 4, but one ran with me for a while!
people count: 4 , one runner, three walkers, and a dog
I ran 2.65 miles in 31:17. 11.8 minutes/mile 7.3 minues/km. No speed demon here today. I purposefully took a route that wouldn't have me coming by my house too soon, so that I wouldn't be tempted to quit early!
One benefit of not doing much of my own pondering during my run is that I might not be as long-winded today!
I did have my HRM again today. No surprises there. It worked the whole time, which was nice.
bunny count: only 4, but one ran with me for a while!
people count: 4 , one runner, three walkers, and a dog
I ran 2.65 miles in 31:17. 11.8 minutes/mile 7.3 minues/km. No speed demon here today. I purposefully took a route that wouldn't have me coming by my house too soon, so that I wouldn't be tempted to quit early!
heart rate monitor,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Change of plans
Warning: I was particularly long-winded today.
I really need to start running at night again. I set my alarm for 4:30 this morning, pressed snooze until 4:45am and didn't get out until 5:40 or so. At night, I don't seem to waste so much time. Running in the morning darkness seems safer for some reason, though.
Since this autumn is only going to get busier for me rather than calmer, I've decided to switch plans. The Gateway to 8k program is good and I love the podcasts, but the time needed gets longer and longer as you go on and I want to limit the time I use running right now. Maybe I'll pick it up again in the spring when the daylight hours are getting longer rather than shorter and our schedules have (hopefully) settled down a bit.
So, now the question is, what to do? I think for now, I'm going to stick to 5k and try to get it down to 30 minutes. Podrunner has fixed-bpm podcasts available. Today I downloaded a 154 bpm podcast. This was more my pace. The running segments of the g28k program were 146bpm, a little slow. It didn't really speed up my running. I ran for 31:16 and according to MayMyRun, covered a distance of 2.78 miles, for an average of about 11.24 minutes per mile.
Since I was running later than I wanted to, I kept having to talk myself out of quitting early. At about 10 minutes, I decided I would stop when I got back to my house. However, about 6 or 7 houses before mine, someone came out of her house and started running ahead of me. That motivated me to continue. It's funny how much of a mind game this is. That one little happening that actually had nothing to do with my own actions flipped my thoughts from quitting to continuing. So, I ended up running another 15 minutes and finishing out the 30 minutes.
That kind of head game is one reason why I'd rather have a plan like gateway to 8k. I let the podcast determine when I quit. My mind is left to wander onto other topics more because I must obey the podcast! Maybe there are subliminal messages in the podcast? It is kind of trancey music!
I think my goal for the time being will be to run at least three times a week and at least 30 minutes per run. I'll probably do two runs during weekdays and one on the weekend. I have enough activities spread throughout for cross training and some runs might be replaced by other activities. I thought about entering a 5k at the end of the month, but I think I might hold off, train for the winter and start entering races again in the spring. OR, I just noticed a group I belonged to in college is holding a Pi Mile Run, a 5k which is close to 3.14... miles (it's an engineering student organization - we're geeks, ok?). Maybe I'll do that instead. That is in town and on the same path as my first 5k. Even cooler that I'm an alum of the organization.
This morning, the bunny count was 9. Even with the full moon, it was rather dark, so I might have missed a few. They were all alive this time, although one didn't look very animated. Maybe it was too cold and just wanted to stay put. It was 45F degrees this morning (7.2C). Chilly, but not too bad. I did get a little squeaky in the lungs when I got home. I actually saw four people today. One was running (the one who motivated me to continue). The rest were going about their morning routine, it seems. I passed by the local coffee shop twice on my run. The first time it wasn't open, but by the second time I smelled the lovely scent of coffee wafting across the street. Some day, I'm going to plan my run to end over on that side of the neighborhood and bring a long a bit of money for a coffee. It smells so good!
So, as I mentioned, I used a fixed-bpm Podrunner podcast today. I had always thought that DJ Steve Boyett and DJ Beatsmith were one and the same and DJ Beatsmith was just an alter ego of Steve Boyett. But, it sure seemed like the voice on today's podcast was a different one than I heard oh-so-many times on the Podrunner Intervals podcasts.
I really need to start running at night again. I set my alarm for 4:30 this morning, pressed snooze until 4:45am and didn't get out until 5:40 or so. At night, I don't seem to waste so much time. Running in the morning darkness seems safer for some reason, though.
Since this autumn is only going to get busier for me rather than calmer, I've decided to switch plans. The Gateway to 8k program is good and I love the podcasts, but the time needed gets longer and longer as you go on and I want to limit the time I use running right now. Maybe I'll pick it up again in the spring when the daylight hours are getting longer rather than shorter and our schedules have (hopefully) settled down a bit.
So, now the question is, what to do? I think for now, I'm going to stick to 5k and try to get it down to 30 minutes. Podrunner has fixed-bpm podcasts available. Today I downloaded a 154 bpm podcast. This was more my pace. The running segments of the g28k program were 146bpm, a little slow. It didn't really speed up my running. I ran for 31:16 and according to MayMyRun, covered a distance of 2.78 miles, for an average of about 11.24 minutes per mile.
Since I was running later than I wanted to, I kept having to talk myself out of quitting early. At about 10 minutes, I decided I would stop when I got back to my house. However, about 6 or 7 houses before mine, someone came out of her house and started running ahead of me. That motivated me to continue. It's funny how much of a mind game this is. That one little happening that actually had nothing to do with my own actions flipped my thoughts from quitting to continuing. So, I ended up running another 15 minutes and finishing out the 30 minutes.
That kind of head game is one reason why I'd rather have a plan like gateway to 8k. I let the podcast determine when I quit. My mind is left to wander onto other topics more because I must obey the podcast! Maybe there are subliminal messages in the podcast? It is kind of trancey music!
I think my goal for the time being will be to run at least three times a week and at least 30 minutes per run. I'll probably do two runs during weekdays and one on the weekend. I have enough activities spread throughout for cross training and some runs might be replaced by other activities. I thought about entering a 5k at the end of the month, but I think I might hold off, train for the winter and start entering races again in the spring. OR, I just noticed a group I belonged to in college is holding a Pi Mile Run, a 5k which is close to 3.14... miles (it's an engineering student organization - we're geeks, ok?). Maybe I'll do that instead. That is in town and on the same path as my first 5k. Even cooler that I'm an alum of the organization.
This morning, the bunny count was 9. Even with the full moon, it was rather dark, so I might have missed a few. They were all alive this time, although one didn't look very animated. Maybe it was too cold and just wanted to stay put. It was 45F degrees this morning (7.2C). Chilly, but not too bad. I did get a little squeaky in the lungs when I got home. I actually saw four people today. One was running (the one who motivated me to continue). The rest were going about their morning routine, it seems. I passed by the local coffee shop twice on my run. The first time it wasn't open, but by the second time I smelled the lovely scent of coffee wafting across the street. Some day, I'm going to plan my run to end over on that side of the neighborhood and bring a long a bit of money for a coffee. It smells so good!
So, as I mentioned, I used a fixed-bpm Podrunner podcast today. I had always thought that DJ Steve Boyett and DJ Beatsmith were one and the same and DJ Beatsmith was just an alter ego of Steve Boyett. But, it sure seemed like the voice on today's podcast was a different one than I heard oh-so-many times on the Podrunner Intervals podcasts.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Figure 8
Today's run was a family event. Every one was a bit out of sorts today. I don't know why. This afternoon, after my son was unable to play nicely with his friend, I decided it was time for us all to get out and move. So, we packed up and went to a small lake here in town. There is a nice path around the lake including a bridge that goes across the middle. I remember reading that a figure 8 around the lake is 3 miles, give or take, so I decided that's what we'd run. My son rode his bike and my husband pushed my daughter in the stroller. That really slowed him down! He claims he had problems keeping up because he's out of practice, but I think it was mostly the stroller. When we were about 3/4 done, I noticed that the turkey vultures were flying over us. Maybe they knew how much we were struggling??!
The run was fine. I had to stop twice for my son, but it worked. I didn't seem very fast. I think I run better with my music. I didn't take my mp3 player this time so I could talk with my family better. But, I got my run in and that's what counts!
Afterward, we watched some people catching small fish from the lake. My son was impressed. He got to hold the pole some and touch a small bluegill the man caught. Then we walked some up a gravel path that leads up a hill to a beautiful place that overlooks the lake. Very pretty. They've recreated prairie and wetlands around the lake, which used to be a quarry. Prairie flowers, Canada geese, and TOADS galore! We kept having to stop to catch toads. At first, I did all the catching, but then my son got the hang of it. My daughter was thrilled to touch the toads. Unfortunately, then it seems the toads decided to go elsewhere. Maybe they got word that we were coming. We also saw a pheasant flying, deer and lots of butterflies. Monarchs, I believe.
If for some reason you are ever in Iowa, I highly recommend a run at Ada Hayden Heritage Park. They started restoration 4 or 5 years ago and it's finally maturing. They've done a great job and the park has really blossomed, figuratively and literally. The trails are well maintained and it's an all-round nice little recreation area.
The run was fine. I had to stop twice for my son, but it worked. I didn't seem very fast. I think I run better with my music. I didn't take my mp3 player this time so I could talk with my family better. But, I got my run in and that's what counts!
Afterward, we watched some people catching small fish from the lake. My son was impressed. He got to hold the pole some and touch a small bluegill the man caught. Then we walked some up a gravel path that leads up a hill to a beautiful place that overlooks the lake. Very pretty. They've recreated prairie and wetlands around the lake, which used to be a quarry. Prairie flowers, Canada geese, and TOADS galore! We kept having to stop to catch toads. At first, I did all the catching, but then my son got the hang of it. My daughter was thrilled to touch the toads. Unfortunately, then it seems the toads decided to go elsewhere. Maybe they got word that we were coming. We also saw a pheasant flying, deer and lots of butterflies. Monarchs, I believe.
If for some reason you are ever in Iowa, I highly recommend a run at Ada Hayden Heritage Park. They started restoration 4 or 5 years ago and it's finally maturing. They've done a great job and the park has really blossomed, figuratively and literally. The trails are well maintained and it's an all-round nice little recreation area.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
G28K W3D1 - Bunnies, bunnies
Well, it's 6:07am and I finished the first day of week 3 of Gateway to 8K. Today I tried pushing it a bit harder. I am ultimately trying to improve my 5k time, so that should help. I tried to keep the pace normal and then during the last couple minutes of each run, I'd pick up the pace. For some reason, I doubt I ran faster, though. I had to walk pretty slow to get my HR down during those one minute intervals. (Today was 4x 9 minutes running with one minute walking in between.) Checking.... Map my run says I still only did 11.5 minute miles (including the three walking breaks) for 3.4 miles during 39 minutes. Granted, there were several hills, but darn it, I want to run FASTER!
During a few of the hills, I got in a very interesting zone. I focused on my form and my legs just carried me up the hill. It didn't seem hard, although I think my HRM would tell you otherwise. It registered a max HR of 184 today, although I didn't have it working for at least a portion of the first run. I almost felt like I was flying. Some of the hills took 2-3 minutes to run. Not huge, but enough to get my heart really pumping.
I hit the road at 5:20am. During my whole run, I didn't see one person that wasn't encased in wood or metal. Some people were leaving in their cars for work, but no other runners or walkers.
Although, I didn't see people, I did see plenty of bunnies. Most were alive, one wasn't. I think I should start a bunny count for each run. I wouldn't notice them, but when I get anywhere near, they scurry off, their bright white cotton ball tails advertising their location.
Time to start my day. Have a good one!
During a few of the hills, I got in a very interesting zone. I focused on my form and my legs just carried me up the hill. It didn't seem hard, although I think my HRM would tell you otherwise. It registered a max HR of 184 today, although I didn't have it working for at least a portion of the first run. I almost felt like I was flying. Some of the hills took 2-3 minutes to run. Not huge, but enough to get my heart really pumping.
I hit the road at 5:20am. During my whole run, I didn't see one person that wasn't encased in wood or metal. Some people were leaving in their cars for work, but no other runners or walkers.
Although, I didn't see people, I did see plenty of bunnies. Most were alive, one wasn't. I think I should start a bunny count for each run. I wouldn't notice them, but when I get anywhere near, they scurry off, their bright white cotton ball tails advertising their location.
Time to start my day. Have a good one!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
G28K Week 2 comes to a close
This week was four intervals of 8 minutes run + 1 minute walk. Worked out well, but those one minute walks are SHORT!! :)
This morning was the chilliest yet. 45F (7.2C). I don't have but the slightest squeak in my lungs, but breathing sure seemed harder than when it was warmer. I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to run this winter. My light rain jacket turned out to be perfect over a cotton T-shirt today.
MapMyRun says I ran 3.03 miles in the 32 minutes running + 3 minutes walking. A little disappointing. Although, it's satisfying that that is disappointing! (Boy, this running thing is complicated!)
I think I might enter a 5k in the town where I work for later this month. It's 50 minutes away and $25 (!!!) to enter, $35 on the day of. Although, that includes a dry-wick T-shirt rather than a cotton one. It seems their focus is more on the 10k race they also have. The 5k should be half price... or less, since they are only giving prizes for the 10k. Maybe I'll be up to the point where I could run the 10k next year. Although with walking breaks, I'm sure I could finish a 10k, I'm not going to attempt it. I'm leaving on a business trip the next day.
I was going to run last night, but I went to bed instead. I had gotten 4.5 hours of sleep the night before. So, last night, I got 7 hours and that isn't counting the half hour of pressing snooze! So, I got underway at 5:20am. I really need to run at night, though. I don't mind getting up early, but I'm still at the point where I have to talk myself into getting up early to run. I know I'll feel good and I need to keep to schedule, but it's still hard. I can pop out of bed for other things, but somehow I guess deep down, my mind doesn't put enough priority on working out.
By the way, I'm liking the extra cushion in my Saucony shoes. Now I don't feel the need to run in the street to be on asphalt. They do a better job absorbing the shock of running on concrete than my previous shoes. I tried to see if I could get another back up pair from the discount store for the $37 I spent on these, but they were out of my size, of course. I found them at a local shoe store for $75, which is a fair price.
This morning was the chilliest yet. 45F (7.2C). I don't have but the slightest squeak in my lungs, but breathing sure seemed harder than when it was warmer. I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to run this winter. My light rain jacket turned out to be perfect over a cotton T-shirt today.
MapMyRun says I ran 3.03 miles in the 32 minutes running + 3 minutes walking. A little disappointing. Although, it's satisfying that that is disappointing! (Boy, this running thing is complicated!)
I think I might enter a 5k in the town where I work for later this month. It's 50 minutes away and $25 (!!!) to enter, $35 on the day of. Although, that includes a dry-wick T-shirt rather than a cotton one. It seems their focus is more on the 10k race they also have. The 5k should be half price... or less, since they are only giving prizes for the 10k. Maybe I'll be up to the point where I could run the 10k next year. Although with walking breaks, I'm sure I could finish a 10k, I'm not going to attempt it. I'm leaving on a business trip the next day.
I was going to run last night, but I went to bed instead. I had gotten 4.5 hours of sleep the night before. So, last night, I got 7 hours and that isn't counting the half hour of pressing snooze! So, I got underway at 5:20am. I really need to run at night, though. I don't mind getting up early, but I'm still at the point where I have to talk myself into getting up early to run. I know I'll feel good and I need to keep to schedule, but it's still hard. I can pop out of bed for other things, but somehow I guess deep down, my mind doesn't put enough priority on working out.
By the way, I'm liking the extra cushion in my Saucony shoes. Now I don't feel the need to run in the street to be on asphalt. They do a better job absorbing the shock of running on concrete than my previous shoes. I tried to see if I could get another back up pair from the discount store for the $37 I spent on these, but they were out of my size, of course. I found them at a local shoe store for $75, which is a fair price.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Foggy run - W2D2
Despite the cool weather (~50-55F) and the high humidity (FOG) my run went fairly well. I didn't even feel any squeaks in my lungs, even though low temps and humidity are two triggers. It didn't go as well as Wednesday, but still ok. I took a new route and ended up going too far away. My program ended so far away that it took me 20 minutes of walking to get back home.
Today's fog highlighted the many funnel webs the area spiders had made all over the grass. Very cool.
Since it was cooler, I wore a rain jacket. Not the best jacket, but at least I could use the pockets for my phone and mp3 player and leave the fanny-pack at home.
Have a great weekend!
Today's fog highlighted the many funnel webs the area spiders had made all over the grass. Very cool.
Since it was cooler, I wore a rain jacket. Not the best jacket, but at least I could use the pockets for my phone and mp3 player and leave the fanny-pack at home.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Awesome W2D1
Today was one of those days where the stars aligned. Outside of a small hiccup that my first attempt to download this week's podcast ended in a corrupted file, a fact I didn't realize until I was walking out the door, things went really well today. I guess that beer I had at dinner didn't slow me down.
Today was the perfect temperature: 61F. A slight breeze. I felt strong and ran well. Also, I LOVED this week's music. DJ Beatsmith said it is House music week. I'm not up on all the different nuances in electronic music, but I know now that I like House music! The only problem is I kept getting the urge to dance or shake my booty while running. That would not have been a pretty sight. Although, I did walk with an attitude during the cool down walk! I think I'll do all three days of this week's intervals since I like this music so much.
I ran a different route tonight. One path I took is right by a busy road. I ran down it one way on the side of oncoming traffic and couldn't see the path at all. It was like jogging blind. I knew the path was there, so I just had to hope there wasn't anything to trip over! When I got down the hill and back up the next, I turned around and went back the way I came. Going with traffic made all the difference in the world.
Today while running I even got a honk from a car that drove by. One time my friend and I were running and we got somebody whistling and hooting from their house. Pretty cool in a town where half of the people are 18-23 years of age.
According to, I went a little over 5k during my 36 minutes of intervals. 4 minutes of that is walking. I hit 5k right at about 35 minutes including 3 minutes of walking.
Another positive is that my HRM registered my heart rate correctly the whole time. I didn't need to mess with it once. Since I felt well today, I probably pushed myself a bit more than I sometimes do. My HRM registered a max HR of 199bpm and an average (including warmup and cooldown ) of 142bpm. I'm guessing the 199 was towards the end when I picked up the pace. I didn't see it go that high when I was looking at it every now and then during the rest of the run.
Well, here's to a great run and lots of endorphins! BTW, I see on Wikipedia that the release of endorphins is also referred to as "runner's high"... very appropriate, and very accurate.
Today was the perfect temperature: 61F. A slight breeze. I felt strong and ran well. Also, I LOVED this week's music. DJ Beatsmith said it is House music week. I'm not up on all the different nuances in electronic music, but I know now that I like House music! The only problem is I kept getting the urge to dance or shake my booty while running. That would not have been a pretty sight. Although, I did walk with an attitude during the cool down walk! I think I'll do all three days of this week's intervals since I like this music so much.
I ran a different route tonight. One path I took is right by a busy road. I ran down it one way on the side of oncoming traffic and couldn't see the path at all. It was like jogging blind. I knew the path was there, so I just had to hope there wasn't anything to trip over! When I got down the hill and back up the next, I turned around and went back the way I came. Going with traffic made all the difference in the world.
Today while running I even got a honk from a car that drove by. One time my friend and I were running and we got somebody whistling and hooting from their house. Pretty cool in a town where half of the people are 18-23 years of age.
According to, I went a little over 5k during my 36 minutes of intervals. 4 minutes of that is walking. I hit 5k right at about 35 minutes including 3 minutes of walking.
Another positive is that my HRM registered my heart rate correctly the whole time. I didn't need to mess with it once. Since I felt well today, I probably pushed myself a bit more than I sometimes do. My HRM registered a max HR of 199bpm and an average (including warmup and cooldown ) of 142bpm. I'm guessing the 199 was towards the end when I picked up the pace. I didn't see it go that high when I was looking at it every now and then during the rest of the run.
Well, here's to a great run and lots of endorphins! BTW, I see on Wikipedia that the release of endorphins is also referred to as "runner's high"... very appropriate, and very accurate.
heart rate monitor,
house music,
runner's high
Monday, September 1, 2008
Today's run
I was at my parents' house today. My son, who doesn't know the meaning of sleeping in, was bugging me. Nobody else was half awake like I was. So, eventually, I got up and started getting ready for a run. Then others began waking. My daughter seemed willing to get out and about, so I took her in the stroller and headed out for a run.
My parents' neighborhood is very hilly, so I thought I'd head down one of the older neighborhoods to a park creatively named "Central Park". I had google-mapped the park and saw that there were several paths through the park. I should have remembered from my childhood that those paths were on the side of a hill and using them negated any benefit of not running in my parents' neighborhood! Actually, they did have one positive. They had shade. Since I got out of the house later than usual, the shade was very welcome. It was a warm morning and humid. Also, very sunny.
My run was only 5 minutes warmup and 20 minutes running. But, I figure I had the added difficulty of pushing an extra 30-40 lbs and that up steep hills, so it was strenuous enough. The older sidewalks were uneven and bumpy. It worked ok, but made it a bit harder to push the stroller. I use a regular stroller with rather small wheels, not a jogging stroller with larger wheels. My daughter enjoyed the ride, though.
One thing that annoys me sometimes on my runs is that my heart rate monitor loses my heartbeat. Then I end up fiddling around with the strap rather than keeping good running form. I have the Polar T31 coded strap. Sometimes it works perfectly... sometimes it barely registers a heart beat at all. I'm sure it's because it sometimes doesn't get a good contact, but I do the same things each time to supposedly ensure good contact. I don't get it. It's doubly frustrating because I feel like I'm not getting credit for my hard work. When I'm sweating buckets, huffing and puffing, and the HRM is reading 78 bpm, it makes me mad!
My parents' neighborhood is very hilly, so I thought I'd head down one of the older neighborhoods to a park creatively named "Central Park". I had google-mapped the park and saw that there were several paths through the park. I should have remembered from my childhood that those paths were on the side of a hill and using them negated any benefit of not running in my parents' neighborhood! Actually, they did have one positive. They had shade. Since I got out of the house later than usual, the shade was very welcome. It was a warm morning and humid. Also, very sunny.
My run was only 5 minutes warmup and 20 minutes running. But, I figure I had the added difficulty of pushing an extra 30-40 lbs and that up steep hills, so it was strenuous enough. The older sidewalks were uneven and bumpy. It worked ok, but made it a bit harder to push the stroller. I use a regular stroller with rather small wheels, not a jogging stroller with larger wheels. My daughter enjoyed the ride, though.
One thing that annoys me sometimes on my runs is that my heart rate monitor loses my heartbeat. Then I end up fiddling around with the strap rather than keeping good running form. I have the Polar T31 coded strap. Sometimes it works perfectly... sometimes it barely registers a heart beat at all. I'm sure it's because it sometimes doesn't get a good contact, but I do the same things each time to supposedly ensure good contact. I don't get it. It's doubly frustrating because I feel like I'm not getting credit for my hard work. When I'm sweating buckets, huffing and puffing, and the HRM is reading 78 bpm, it makes me mad!
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