Step-up: 1@25#ea, 1@20#&25#,1@30#ea I realized after the second set that I had picked up a 20# (left) and a 25#(right). Doh! I hope I didn't do that for the first set, too. If I had had them in the other hands I might have noticed. I did NOT fall off the bench this time. Although, once my balance shifted to the outside, which would have been really bad if I had not been able to bring myself back into control. (I step-up on a padded weight bench, ~18" tall.)
DB 1-pt row: 2@35#ea, 1@40#ea Wow, I'm in the big girl rack now! The 35# weights used to be on the big girl rack, but now they are on the lighter weight rack.
Static lunge rear foot elevated: 3@ 35# Felt I couldn't keep depth with a heavier weight, yet.
Push-up: In addition to barbell guy, the Smith machine/leg press guy was there. So, I did these 3 sets on the side of a bench.
Plank: 3@2min Huffing and puffing, didn't think I would complete these, but I did!
Cable Horiz. Woodchop: 3@37# lifted (73# on cable) I wish I could increase these!!
Front Squat Push Press: 3@50# The push press is still the liming factor on this.
Did I work hard? I think so. I think the HRM agrees:

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