Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Distant lightning

I have now put together a training plan for the next month and a half.  This morning called for 3 miles.

As I got out to run, I noticed somewhat ominous clouds to the south.  After a few minutes, I started seeing lightning.  Normally, I don't run if there is the possibility of lightning, so I kept a close watch on it.  It stayed to the south and I couldn't even hear the cloud to ground lightning.  I decided if it got close enough to hear, I'd head home.  Just in case, I chose my route to be close enough to home that I could book it home in a couple minutes.

I was very glad I had a goal today.   There were several times I could have justified quitting early.  But, I ended up running my goal of 3 miles.  It was a very slllloooooowwww three miles.  I averaged a 12 min/mile pace.  I was going for distance not speed, so I'm not going to harp on that, though.

No problems with my feet or legs!  That is a very nice feeling.  My stomach did feel a bit off before I started, but it seemed to settle during the run.

I tightened the heart rate monitor a little bit and my reading was perfect this time. (see below)

bunnies: 6 (Some were certainly counted twice, but that is their fault. If they didn't want to be counted twice, they should have gotten out of the way the first time I went by!)

A good hear rate reading

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sore lats

Saturday, I got to the basement to lift in the morning.  I did New Rules of Lifting for Women Stage 6, A2.  (Again, this is my second time doing this stage.)  As I was working out, the kids came downstairs and played.  They also watched me some.  I was grunting a bit on the lat pulls and my son, in his infinite wisdom asked me if he should remove some weight to make it easier.  It was funny at the time.  I forgot to alternate the split squats and the push-ups.

Stage 6A2-2

Warm up - FBB (10:00)

Negative Chin-up - 25s @BW, 20x @backpack with 10#, 13s @backpack with 15#

Underhand-grip Lat Pulldown - 10x2 @115#

Barbell Split Squat - 2x8 @60#

Push-up - 2x8 on floor (not the best form, i.e. not quite deep enough toward the end)

Afterward, I foam rolled.

After my son's soccer game and my daughter's gymnastics class, we went with friends on a nice bike ride.  It was from Slater to Ankeny on a bike trail for about 13 miles.  A nice ride on a very nice rail-to-trail path.

This morning, I got out for a run.  First off, I had forgotten to charge my phone, so no music for me.  Pooh.  So, I set out with nothing but the clothes on my back, so to say!  It took me a good two miles to get into the run.  Then my mind started coasting and my legs started going on autopilot. The start was a bit hard because of the soreness in my lats and arms from yesterday's lifting.  That got a little better after about a mile or so.  It was not an overall easy run, but I made 4 miles.  I plan on increasing my long run length over the next few weeks in preparation for my 10k on October 2 and my half marathon on October 17.  I hope to get two 2.5-3 mile runs during the week.

I just purchased a running belt from iFitness.  I got the dual pouch version.  It's not supposed to bounce or ride up and it is also water resistant.  That will be nice when I go to the coffee shop after a long run.  I hate giving them moist dollar bills!  It should also hold my phone and gels.  I'll report back on how it does for me.

Before lifting workout on Saturday, I replaced the battery in my Garmin heart rate monitor strap.  It had been getting some very poor readings lately.  The readings were less sporadic, but there were still some spots where it obviously wasn't reading well.  I probably need to shorten the strap some, since the elastic has stretched some and I'm at the limit of how much I can adjust it tighter.  I have cleaned the contact area, so I don't think that is the problem.  I know for sure my heart rate did not dip to below 110bpm on my run today!

Look at the graphs below for two of my runs.  The red track is my heart rate and the blue track is my pace.

Before the battery replacement (8/27/2010)

After the battery replacement (8/29/2010)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Toe issues

Against my will this morning, I got myself out of bed to run.  I even managed a total of 2.36 miles running and 0.67 miles walking.  I know.  Not too impressive.  That's ok.  Before I ran, I walked quite a ways. My toe kept hurting then feeling perfectly fine, then hurting again, repeat.  I've learned better than to run on an injury in training and make it worse.  But, I tried running a bit anyway, and the slight pain only popped up a couple times and very briefly.  It's very odd.

The Podrunner podcast Definitive helped me along today.  It even was coming to a peak right as I was making my final uphill push towards home.  Felt good!  I was thinking about how I respond to listening to music while running.  I have a long history of moving to music beats.  When I was active in making music, my foot would tap the beat, in marching band of course my feet were dropping in time to the beats, and hubby and I also competed for a while at a lower level in ballroom dancing.  It's no wonder that I like to move my legs to a beat!

I had thought of going to a 5k tomorrow.  I'm not sure my feet are up to that yet.  I know I could finish, but I'm not sure it's the best idea quite yet.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Zone is Back

The long run zone, that is.  I managed to get in it this morning on my not-so-long run.  I ran for a total of around 2 miles.  There was a twinge in my toe at first, but it went away.  There was, oddly enough, also a twinge in my left toe after a while.  It ended up leaving, too.  I took a short walk after a mile to judge if everything was doing fine and it was.

My legs felt great and I was in time with my tunes. I chose an oldie but goodie Podrunner track called Strong at 153 bpm.

I'd like to see my (admittedly slow) pace and heart rate, but I'm struggling with my Garmin interface to SportTracks right now.

7 bunnies today.  I almost stepped on a bird.  I think it was a baby robin.  Either that, or it was injured.  I wasn't sure what it was (it was dark out and the bird was in the shadow from the street light) so I stepped beside it, then it flew a few feet away!  It was a beautiful 53F out this morning.  No wind.  Not too humid.  Perfect.

After the run, I watched Bret Contreras' new video about the hip thrust.  I've been meaning to give these a try, so I did 2 sets of 20 reps at body weight.  I'm pretty sure I was doing them right, so next time I'll add some weight!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Toe issues...

Ok, so NOW it's my TOE!  I stubbed it on the carpet.  Yes, on the carpet.  Nothing exciting like the wall or the chair, just caught it on the carpet.  It was surprisingly painful that day (Saturday) and now, on Tuesday, it has lessened, but it's still there.  So, I cut my run short this morning so as not to make it worse.  Actually, mother nature was calling, which helped seal the deal.  When I woke up, it was raining, but by the time I got outside, there was a clearing in the rain.  There was no lightning this time, which has been a rare situation lately.  I ran (what little that was) with Podrunner.  I hadn't done that in a while and I miss it!  In that short run, I saw three bunnies.

After the brief  (<0.5mile) run, I went to the basement to practice some kettlebell stuff.
With the 20# bell:
20 swings
20 alternating swings
10 L cleans
10 R cleans
20 swings
Then I tried some Turkish Getup stuff.  Those are definitely harder than they look.  Unweighted is fine.  With 20#?  Lots of stabilization required.  I might try for a while with a lighter dumbbell just to get the form down.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Careful with those legs!

I was!  I didn't want to wear out my legs too much in prep for my long run tomorrow.  I got down to do Stage 6 B1.  Felt great!  Not very hard, though.  Figuring out how to do the back extension was interesting.  I put my legs under the squat cage safety and my hips on the bench.  It was awkward, but it worked. Instead of the incline reverse crunch, I did hanging leg raises.

Hubby came down while I was working out.  Now I know why I don't lift with him.  He makes me laugh too much.  Try doing push presses while you are laughing.  It's impossible!

Stage 6 B1-2  

Warm-up - FBB  (11:24)  

Reverse Lunge, One DB at Shoulder - 2x10 @20#  

Dumbbell Two-Point Row - 2x10 @35#

Dumbbell Push Press - 2x10 @25# each hand

Back Extension - 2x10 @20#

Hanging Leg Raise - 2x10 (subbed for Incline Reverse Crunch)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Woot! A running goal acheived and kettlebell

Ok, so if you set your goals low enough, they are easier to achieve!  Since I ran yesterday... a little... I wanted a shorter run again today.  My goal was 2 miles.  I walked 0.14 then ran 2 miles at a 11:59 min/mile pace.  Wow, a speedster!  Ha!  I ate a Gu gel before running.  I have a hard time finding something to eat that early in the morning that won't slow me down.  I think the Gu does well.  I don't really like the idea of such a weird food-like product, but I'm not sure what else I can do.  Anyway, my tummy felt fine for the run and I'm still energized.

After the run, I headed to the basement and did a kettlebell workout.  I'm still getting used to it, so it wasn't spectacular, but I did make progress.

10 front squats
10 swings
5 R front squats
5 L front squats
20 alt swing
8 L clean
8 R clean
10 swings
10 L clean/squat/press
10 R clean/squat/press

All these were done with lone kettlebell, a Gold's Gym 20lb kettlebell.  Yes, I don't have a hallowed RKC kettlebell.  I have a cheap Wal-Mart kettlebell.  Yes, I actually did buy it at Wal-Mart.  Bad me.  It seemed to fit me well and was way less money than an RKC bell, especially since I didn't have to ship it.  If I stick with them and need a higher weight, maybe then I'll spring for the good stuff.  I was already getting flack for wanting one, though, so ~$30 was doable.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I did it.

I did.  I got outside to run... a little.  I just really didn't want to do it this morning.  I know I have races coming up.  I know I feel better when I get out and go.  But, that little voice in my head was telling me it would be much easier to just relax.  Be lazy.  Eat whatever you feel like.  That is so much easier than the fit way, in the moment, at least.  It's hard to keep thinking of the big picture.  It's hard to remember how cruddy I'd feel if I let myself go.  What diseases would I be more likely to come down with?  Diabetes? Cancer? Would my allergies strengthen again?  I know I feel on top of the world when I am working out regularly.  But extra sleep is so seductive.  I did get to bed at a decent time last night.  But, thanks to vacation, I've been getting up later lately.   Not crazy late, but 2-3 hours later than when I need to.  I need to give myself a few days to adjust.  Forgive myself for the temptation to be lazy.

The experiment to work out in the evenings didn't pan out.  I don't know if I blogged it before, but I'm going back to all mornings.  I already have, actually.

The stats aren't that impressive.  In total, I ran 1.74 miles in 21:30.  Pace of 12:22.  I walked in the middle for 1  minute and before the run for a little over 8 minutes.  I was yawning a lot during that warm-up walk.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Storms, storms, storms

Last night, it stormed again, but not as bad as the previous night.  Then, it stormed hard from 10pm to 4am and rained 5 inches.  None of us slept much.  Last night, we got more sleep.

However, it was still storming this morning, so no run as I had hoped.

Instead, I started a repeat of New Rules of Lifting Stage 6.  I was only halfway through Hypertrophy I, but I think the leg day isn't a combination with asking my legs to drastically increase mileage in preparation for the half marathon in October.  I've been thinking about doing this Stage again to help with chin-ups.

So, here it is!

Stage 6 A1-2 (60 sec rests)

Warm up -from  FBB (10:15)

Negative chin-up - 20s, 21s (hiking back pack w/ 5#), 16s (hiking back pack w/ 10#)  ... I'll have to check on the back pack weight, maybe 10 pounds?

Underhand Lat Pulldown - 1x2 @110#, 9x2 @120# (fast pull, pause 2 secs, 4 sec return - done on knees, cheated on a couple 2nd reps by lifting up legs)

Barbell Split Squat - 2x10each leg @55#

Push-up (arms in) -  1x10 on bench, 1x10 on floor (some not as far down as I would hope)

Finished up with some foam rolling

Friday, August 6, 2010

Another foot issue?

So, this time it's the other foot and a completely different issue.  It's pain in my right arch, after I've run a bit.  *sigh*

After reading more about plantar faciitis, I'm thinking it might not be the correct diagnosis.  Hmmm...
I think next time I'll need to take it easier and maybe do more of a walk/run combo.

I ran and walked 1.6 miles today.  The foot issue started at about 1 mile in.  Interestingly, it was about the same geographic location as last time, but not the same distance.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A little off today...

...but that's ok.  I feel good having gotten to the basement to lift!

This was workout B6 from NROL's Hypertrophy I.  It's a 4x10 protocol.  However, I realized I couldn't do much, if any, better than the weights I did for the 3x15 protocol this time.  I even had to step back a little.  That's ok.  I still burned over 700 calories!  On the DLs, I kept feeling faint.

Today's lift was barefoot.  That actually helped my BSS and by step-ups quite a bit, especially the step-ups.  I felt I wasn't helping with the non-working leg hardly at all.
Hypertrophy I B6
Warm-up - FBB, 11:45

Squat - 1x(3+7) @77.5# (oops, misloaded the bar), 3x10 @70#

Deadlift w/ shrug - 1x10 @145# (lots of pauses), 3x10 @135# (felt faint often during these)

Bulgarian split squat - 3x10 @5#ea, 1x10 @BW

Step-up - 3x10 @5#ea, 1x10 @BW

Plank - 3x60s (subbed for reverse crunch)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Did I run as fast as I had planned?


Did I run as far as I had planned?


Did I do intervals as planned?


So, why was today a success?

Because I got out and ran. 
Once I realized it was 75 degrees and 100% humidity, I knew it wouldn't be an optimal run.  I was running slowly.  Thanks to the humidity, sweating wasn't very useful.  The occasional light breeze was very welcomed, but occasional wasn't often enough.  After a mile, I took a short walk break.  Then, at about 2 miles, my foot started hurting, so I walked the rest of the way, stretching it every few minutes.  It feels like a plantar faciitis type of feeling, so I didn't want to make it worse.  It seems to be better now, but I'll stretch today to make sure.  Soon after I got home, it started pouring.  Maybe I should take up swimming instead!

I didn't count bunnies, thinking that I would actually use the lap button for intervals, even though I didn't.  There were a crazy number of bunnies out, though.  I also saw a toad on the sidewalk, and the birds were singing their beautiful tunes!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back to training... again!

I just realized that my 1/2 marathon is only 2-1/2 months away.  I figure I should pick up my running again and get started with training for it.

So, this morning I got out for a long run.  I ran a total of 5 miles and walked 1.75.  At miles 2,3,4 and 5 I let myself walk a tenth of a mile, then after the last walk, I finished up the 5 miles.  I'm sore now.  My joints are definitely telling me that I need to run more often if I'm going to be ready.
During the run, my heart rate spent a lot of time between 175 and 180bpm.  That is higher than I had expected, but it was getting warm and was pretty humid.  Afterward, I stopped by the coffee house and got my reward-coffee.  I acutally like my own coffee better, but something about treating myself to a purchased coffee is fun.

During the run, I was able to greet several people.  That's one fun thing about a Sunday morning long run. Out of curiosity, I ran two laps of the middle school track on the outside of the track and two on the inside.  My Garmin calculated 0.53 for the outter path and 0.49 miles for the inner path.

So, 11 weeks.  I started training with something like 16 weeks to go before.  This time, my hiatus from running wasn't near as long, so I think I'm ok with 11 weeks.  For now, I'm going to try to get 2 days of intervals and one long run in a week.  I may switch things up as the race draws nigh.