Saturday, May 30, 2009

More intervals and sailing

This morning I did the intervals from New Rules. The intervals are 1 minute hard, 2 minutes recovery for four times. I got up around 8 min/mi for the hard sections, which is pretty fast for me. After the fourth hard section, I had to walk for two minutes before jogging again. Looking at the heart rate track, I think the HRM had problems at times. I know I got over 180bpm. When I finished the fourth hard run, I looked down and it read 160bpm! No way! I was basically sprinting. (It's all relative, right? Some people can run distances at that speed or faster!) I'll have to wear the strap tighter next time. After the first interval I realized that I had messed up the workout setup on the Garmin, so I walked a bit fiddling. Then I just said "heck with it" and continued. It worked fine timing the intervals using the lap button.

I've been having a hard time using the Garmin Fitness plugin for SportTracks to load workouts onto the Garmin. Luckily, right now, only the intervals are special for me, and the Garmin has a way to really easily enter intervals. I thought I had done this, but then I noticed it was on bicycling, so I switched to running. I guess that switch reset the workout. Oh well. I'm learning!

Heart rate and pace for the interval run

Later on in the morning, my husband and I took the kids out on the sailboat. It was a beautiful day for a sail. We knew it was going to get too windy, so we made sure we got off the lake before that happens. It's no fun to be out in high winds with the kids. Scary. So, I wore the Garmin for the sail. Toward the end, the GPS must have been a bit off because it has us ending on the shore, but we were definitely returning to the dock! It was interesting to see how fast we were going, something we don't normally get to know. We were out for about an hour and covered about 4.4 miles. The kids had a great time.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Stage 3B1

Today's workout was... ok. Nothing that great about it. The prone cobras and the bent over barbell row were challenging. The YTWL was challenging. But it didn't have that "oomph" that I like.

I completed the whole thing in 58 minutes not including intervals. (I should do those tomorrow.) I cut out the breaks between the D exercises, since they weren't very challenging.

For the hip flexion, I chose the prone jackknives for old-time's sake. eh.

I had to back track a bit on the wide grip lat pulldown from Stage 1. That was a little annoying. But, I was probably right at my limit back in Stage 1 when I was doing 87#. I did a couple at 87# then dropped back to 75#.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nice run(s) today

Today was a beautiful day to run. I got out the door at around 5am. The sun was just starting to rise, so it was actually light for my whole run. I like that. Temp was a lovely 50F.

This weekend I bought some compression shorts so my thunder thighs (thanks genetics) don't rub together. Today was my first run with them. Very helpful. They only had men's shorts, but they worked just fine. Don't tell any one, okay?

My run was split in two today. I started out by setting my Virtual Partner to a 11:10 min/mi pace for 30 minutes. That was a little faster than previous. Since I didn't do much of a warm-up, I blew by him. However, about 10 minutes into the run, a not-so-good thing happened. I had to "go". Frustrating. So, I looped back around to home and took care of business.

Since the first 14:39 went well, decided to up the ante and set VP for a 10:00 min/mi pace for 15 minutes. I almost got there. I ended up with an average pace of 10:05min/mi. I think VP won by around 150ft. Maybe next time! My average pace for the first run was 10:46 min/mi, so speeding the VP up seemed to help! I went 1.35 mi first and 1.49 mi second for a total of 2.84 miles.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Holy Body Weight Matrix, Batman!

After talking myself out of running yesterday, I wasn't going to take "NO" for an answer this morning. When the alarm rang at 4:10 this morning, I was sure protesting, though. I told myself I would soooo regret it if I didn't go do it, though.

Today was Stage 3 workout A1 of the New Rules of Lifting for Women. Wow.
Most of the workouts were new, so I had some adjusting to do. Balancing was in full force today. The single arm overhead squats were much harder than I had expected. That arm overhead changes things so much.

The real killers were the three (!!) sets of 90 second (!!!) planks and then the dreaded Body Weight Matrix (BWM). In case you don't know, you time yourself doing 24 squats plus 12 stationary lunges on each leg (alternating legs as you go) then 12 jumping lunges each leg (alternating again) THEN 24 (!!!) jumping squats. (HOLY COW!) THEN you wait twice as long as it took you and you REPEAT THAT!!! I finished the first set in 4:13. That meant waiting 8:26. That was a loooong wait, but I did it, knowing how difficult the second round was going to be. Before I started the 24 squat jumps, it hit me that I was going to have to repeat all of this. Not a happy thought. The second round was over in 4:08. I kept telling myself that it was almost over and I didn't need to hold back for anything. My legs were jelly when I was done. My right leg started getting stiff afterward, but things calmed down enough to drive home.

After I was at the gym a while, a guy came into the weight area and was using the Smith machine and some of the cable machines like the leg press. He looked pretty fit, so it was interesting that he was using those things. He was hacking and coughing the whole time, so I was glad he was using those machines and not the freeweights, so we didn't share any equipment! My kids give me enough sicknesses, I don't need them from the gym, too.

I wore my Garmin and my HRM, but I'm not sure how to use the HRM recording. I'd like to see that graphed even without the GPS data. I can't figure out how to extract that data, or if I even can. I turned off the GPS since I was inside. It was nicer to have the stopwatch to time rests and the planks and the BWM.

Edit: Figured it out. Here is my HR for the workout... notice the to large hills towards the end. That's the BWM!! This image is courtesy SportTracks.

Heart rate info vs. time

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I beat my Virtual Partner!

When I was reading up on the Garmin Forerunner 305, I thought the idea of a Virtual Partner sounded a bit silly. But, today I thought I'd give it a try.

I haven't been able to run much lately, so I set a 30 minute goal at a 11:30minute/mile pace. I figured that was a nice attainable pace for me at this time. Starting off, I was still warming up, so VP zoomed ahead of me. I was behind him for the first 25 minutes, then caught up and overtook him, ending at an average 11:18 min/mi pace. Those points in the run when I started to feel sluggish, a look at how far behind VP I was, helped me regain my concentration and pick up the pace a bit. It really worked!

Sometimes, I would see how far ahead VP was and focus my attention on a spot about that far out. I think it was a lot easier for me to use that as a motivator than average pace or some other metric. I will certainly give those a try in upcoming workouts, though. I don't think VP is available for my intervals that I download as "advanced workouts" but I'll have to see. Sometimes I did get a little miffed that VP got to run a flat course and I had to deal with the hills!

Today's run was a nice 62F, only a very mild breeze, the sun was rising, but there were clouds to keep it from getting too warm. It was rather humid, but that's to be expected. In the 30 minutes, I went 2.65 miles.

Yesterday, for the fun of it, I wore the Garmin while mowing the back lawn. It was funny to see all the lines back and forth.

So far, I'm liking SportTracks the best as far as software is concerned. I'm not all the interested in uploading to the internet, although there are plugins for that.

Mowing my back and side yards

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My new Garmin Forerunner 305

Well, today was my first run with the new Garmin. Unfortunately, I played around with it enough that I can't write much now.

2.5 miles
5x1min/2min intervals

I downloaded an advanced workout with the intervals, which worked great. For some reason, I can't figure out to see the splits (laps) for the intervals in SportTracks. Can't see graphs, either.

Both Garmin Training Center and SportsTracks are showing a nice graph of my run. They even show when I used the opposite side of the street.

Monday, May 18, 2009

No workout, but still progress

Two happy things today. I made an appointment in a couple weeks for physical therapy for my knee. The group that I made the appointment with come highly recommended. They aren't just physical therapists, but also sports trainers, so I hope they will help me stay physically active.

The other, more exciting news, is that I ordered a Garmin Forerunner 305. I just love tech gadgetry, especially when it is under the guise of something useful. But, shhhh, I haven't told hubby yet. If you started reading this without me know, honey, now you know! Hey, I can use it to see how fast we're sailing!

I'm not sure how I'm going to use it while weight lifting, but I'll figure it out.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Done with Stage 2!

Today was 2B4, the last Stage 2 workout in New Rule of Lifting for Women. Wow. I wasn't sure how it would go because the stomach flu is going around and my stomach has been feeling funny. But, I hit it hard and really lifted pretty well! I didn't pay all that much attention to the waits between exercises except the two that weren't alternating with another exercise. Sometimes I have to pause halfway through a set, like when I switch legs. It's less because of the weight and more because of my heartrate!

I accidentally started 5# down on the wide-grip deadlift, but made up for it on the second set.
Wide grip deadlift from box: 90# then 105# (woo hoo!) very hard on the grip! Kept good form throughout without rounding my back.

Bulgarian split squat: 30# then 35#, towards the end of the second set, my form started suffering a bit, didn't get quite as far down as I wanted

Underhand lat pulldown: 100# both sets!!!! Wow, that made me feel strong! I barely made it. I was huffing and puffing!

Rev lunge from box w/ forward reach: 20# each hand both sets, these really got my heart rate

DB prone Cuban snatch: 15# each hand both sets, still tough to make sure I get a full rotation without dropping my elbows

Swiss ball crunch: 36# over head for both sets, hard to hold onto two dumbells this heavy in each hand!

Reverse crunch: 15deg first set, 6@30deg then 4@15deg second set, that 30deg incline is just a bit too much

Lateral flexion: Hanna flexion #3 both times, somehow it seemed that I was able to contract more and get a better result time time ... odd

Prone cobra: I realllllly pulled up this time, more than I've been able to before and held it for 90 seconds each time! I was huffing and puffing on this one, too. I could really feel my lower back engaging.

My stomach was still a bit funny and it was getting late, so I skipped the intervals. I'll try to get them in this weekend. All in all, I was sweating and elevating my heartrate and huffing and puffing, sometimes even grunting some. That felt good. I felt so strong! Wow. My muscles are starting so show more definition, especially on my forearms and from right above my knee down.

Post workout I had Fage yogurt with a scoop of powder. Yum.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Busy as a bee!

Just because I haven't logged in a few days doesn't mean I've been sitting on my duff!

After my workout on Saturday, we went to a friend's place to help pour concrete. Claus did the actual helping, using a wheelbarrow, which I was glad of. After that Stage 2B3 workout, I don't think I would have lasted long. I helped a tiny bit using the shovel.

Sunday, we went sailing and kicked around a soccer ball. Very fun, but exhausting. I did a lot of sprinting for the ball. I think you get more exercise when everybody isn't very great at aiming the ball!

Monday, I spent over 2.5 hours at the driving range for golf lessons. Tuesday, I was so sore from golf, I took it off. Then yesterday, I spent about 2 hours at the driving range for my last golf lesson. I can see how the woodchops could help my golf swing!

2A4 Weights:
Front squat/push press - 50# then 5@55#/5@50#
Step-up - 20# each hand then 25# each hand
Dumbbell 1-pt row - 30# each hand then 35# each hand, but my form suffered, didn't get the weights up quite as high
Static Lunge, rear foot elevated - 25# each hand then 30# each hand
Push up - I had to back off a bit to the #3 position on the Smith machine then a similar height on the power cage
Plank - 60 secs both, was counting the speck on the floor very intently for these today!!
Cable Horiz. Woodchop - 34.5# lifted (69# on the cable)

My heartrate got up to 172bpm and was often in the 160s. Wow.

Afterward, I stretched on the Precor stretch trainer. I probably don't get the best stretch from that, but it's mindless.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Off to physical therapy

I had a check up with my doctor yesterday and she wants me to try physical therapy for my knee. I never know how to choose a doctor I've never been to before. There are several PTs in town and I have no clue where to start.

Today was stage 2 B3. Two more workouts in stage 2!

I started out with 5 minutes on this odd elliptical/stepper machine that lets you vary the length and height of your stride. I was just playing with it. Kind of fun.

I don't think I'm going low enough on the split squats. Otherwise things went well. I increased some of the weights.

wide grip deadlift from box: 95# then 100#
Bulgarian split squat: (per hand) 30# then 25#, had to split the first set on my left leg, then kept it low for the second set. I need to go lower on these, but I think I would need my back leg to be a bit lower.
Underhand lat pulldown: 92#
Rev. lunge from box: 15# each hand
DB prone Cuban snatch: 15# each (that was hard!! I had to really focus on form.)
Swiss ball crunch: I used the smallest ball and 26# over my head, still not very challenging, but I've given up expecting much from these
Reverse crunch: on a 15deg incline. taking them slow increases the intensity, I found
Lateral flexion: style #3, I concentrated on really contracting my side, but not very intense
Prone cobra: 90secs, focused on getting chest far up off the mat, these DID challenge me! I'm still feeling them in my lower back.

I didn't do the intervals today. I was already over an hour at weights alone. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh, my quads!

Today was Stage 2 Workout A3 of NRoLfW.

I started off with a brief warm-up on the stepper thingy. It took me a little bit to remember how to work the thing. In the book, they talk about the need for warming up changes and today I felt that I really didn't need a long warm up.

Today's workout challenged my legs pretty well. I think I increased my weights on just about every exercise besides the front squat/push press. Some of the dumbbells were getting heavy and challenging my grip strength.

Front squat push press: oly bar alone (45#)
Step-up: 20# each hand
Dumbbell 1 pt row: 30# each hand (Thank goodness these are only 10 reps total, not per leg, so I didn't have to hold the weights too long.)
Static lunge with rear foot elevated: 25# each hand (The stretch of my dominant leg while the non-dominant is working makes the dominant leg work very hard! I think I should probably going an inch or so lower on these.)
Push-up: On the Smith machine level 4 (getting close to the ground!)
Plank: these felt harder today... I was REALLY examining the flecks in the floor covering today!
Cable Horizontal Woodchops: 32#

I was really sweating and grunting today! Luckily, I had the weight room to myself!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lightning in the distance

Tonight was a perfect evening for a run. It was cool, but not cold, not too humid, a decent breeze to keep me for getting too sweaty, and off in the distance, a thunderstorm was providing fireworks. I checked before I left and it looked like the storm was north of us and moving to the east. So, I didn't have to worry about getting rained on.

I put on some running shorts and a sleeveless running top AND for the first time, a reflective vest. I felt pretty silly in the vest, but it probably isn't a bad idea to use at night.

I decided to start with the intervals from my weightlifting program. So, I jogged for five minutes then started intervals of 1 minute hard running and 2 minutes jogging. I did that for 4 hard intervals then jogged until minute 20, when my knee started feeling funny. I felt it behind the knee, so I walked for a minute and then jogged home for 3.5 more minutes.

I averaged out at something like 10.7 minutes per mile for a total of 2.2 miles. Not horrible, I guess.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Woo hoo, a step!

A sit here on a Saturday typing as I savor my Fage yogurt with vanilla ice cream ON protein powder. Mmmmm. I don't normally like artificially sweetened things, but this is pretty darn good. And the yogurt is so thick, it feels rich, even though it is fat free.

My gym now has a step available!! Yippee! I wrote an email to the management asking if there was one around and it suddenly appeared! It maid several of the exercises today easier. I think I will still use a bench for the step-ups, since it doesn't really go high enough, but it will be a big help.

This Stage 2 workout B thing really does a number on my hands. For the wide grip deadlifts, I was at my grip limit during the second set with 50# on the Olympic bar. Some of the others challenge my grip, too. My palm at the point where the fingers come out is rather sore and I'm sure this will work on my calouses!

After the running intervals on Wednesday, my knee started feeling funny and I even felt a little bit of soreness a couple times. So, I'm not going for a run this morning. Maybe tomorrow morning. I have a check-up with the doctor next week, so I'll bring up this with her at that time. I'm really wondering if this is mainly aggrevated by the treadmill.