Today was 2B4, the last Stage 2 workout in New Rule of Lifting for Women. Wow. I wasn't sure how it would go because the stomach flu is going around and my stomach has been feeling funny. But, I hit it hard and really lifted pretty well! I didn't pay all that much attention to the waits between exercises except the two that weren't alternating with another exercise. Sometimes I have to pause halfway through a set, like when I switch legs. It's less because of the weight and more because of my heartrate!
I accidentally started 5# down on the wide-grip deadlift, but made up for it on the second set.
Wide grip deadlift from box: 90# then 105# (woo hoo!) very hard on the grip! Kept good form throughout without rounding my back.
Bulgarian split squat: 30# then 35#, towards the end of the second set, my form started suffering a bit, didn't get quite as far down as I wanted
Underhand lat pulldown: 100# both sets!!!! Wow, that made me feel strong! I barely made it. I was huffing and puffing!
Rev lunge from box w/ forward reach: 20# each hand both sets, these really got my heart rate
DB prone Cuban snatch: 15# each hand both sets, still tough to make sure I get a full rotation without dropping my elbows
Swiss ball crunch: 36# over head for both sets, hard to hold onto two dumbells this heavy in each hand!
Reverse crunch: 15deg first set, 6@30deg then 4@15deg second set, that 30deg incline is just a bit too much
Lateral flexion: Hanna flexion #3 both times, somehow it seemed that I was able to contract more and get a better result time time ... odd
Prone cobra: I realllllly pulled up this time, more than I've been able to before and held it for 90 seconds each time! I was huffing and puffing on this one, too. I could really feel my lower back engaging.
My stomach was still a bit funny and it was getting late, so I skipped the intervals. I'll try to get them in this weekend. All in all, I was sweating and elevating my heartrate and huffing and puffing, sometimes even grunting some. That felt good. I felt so strong! Wow. My muscles are starting so show more definition, especially on my forearms and from right above my knee down.
Post workout I had Fage yogurt with a scoop of powder. Yum.